~ Chapter 12 ~

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Jeff glanced around the hood of the car as he heard the speeding car come tearing down the road, causing the dirt and rocks to kick up, then it came to a squealing halt right behind the car he was working on. His face scrunched up as he saw Jimmy climb out and haul ass to where Jeff stood. Even from the distance, Jeff could feel his friend's anger. What the hell had happened?

"She knows about Arlene!" Jeff wiped his hands on the rag he had set by the engine and turned to look fully at Jimmy as he leaned against the car.

"Who knows about Arlene?"


"Bull shit; how would she know anything about her?"

"She went to Austin and saw you in her arms!" Jeff laughed and turned to go back to working on the car.

"Rose hated Austin, Jimmy. As much as I would love to say that Rose would have followed me, I knew deep down that she would never have come."

"Why do you think she filed for divorce when she was so in love with you?"

"Because she thought I was never coming back for her."

"Wrong jackass! She followed you six months after you left and saw you hugging her, hugging Arlene and she thought you left her for another woman, that you were cheating. She had no clue that the woman you left her for is your half sister!"

"She...wouldn't...have gone to Austin." But even to his ears, it didn't sound as convincing anymore.

"She described the woman, Jeff, it was Arlene. She said she went to your house and was in the car for hours, watching you and thinking. Did you never tell Rose why Austin?"

"Rose knew I was from there; but I never told her why. How was I going to explain a letter from a half sister that I knew nothing about and from a man I knew next to nothing about?" Jimmy let out a breath and then nodded at the car.

"Are you about done?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you and I need to sit, have a beer and we need to have a talk, a big one."


Jeff watched his friend as they sat on the back porch, each taking a drink before talking. The realization that Rose went to Austin after everything was mind boggling to him. He really never thought she would ever go back to that city.

"Rose knew you didn't know your dad right?"

"Yeah, she knew that when my mom got sick I moved out here. Mom always told me my dad left when I was a year old, that he didn't want us. So when my aunt died, I wasn't sure I could stay out here. But right before she passed, I got that letter and I had to leave. I always hoped Rose would have come with me though, she was my world, but like I said, deep down I just knew."

"You never really thought that she wouldn't leave her mother, the only woman she has ever known, the only real family she had?" Okay, put like that, yes, Jeff could see why she would say no. But they were still married, or, that was until he got the papers.

"Did you know she was going to file, Jimmy?"

"No! None of us knew, but I guess looking back, if she saw that, I would think that would make anyone question. And that would explain why now she doesn't view you like that."

"Oh no Jimmy, I know that woman, she can't hide like she wants to think. She won't admit it and she doesn't have to, but even after all this time, she is still in love with me."

"Like you are with her?"

"That has never changed, and you know that. You know why I always asked about her or why I was always making sure she was okay. It was the biggest sucker punch to me when I got the papers. And then everything with Arlene and my dad, and I had no means to fight her. And now, well, ten years later, we both had way too much pride and stubbornness."

"And now you want her back?"

"I've always wanted her back; I just now have the time and the means."

"You mean the funds to transfer your business out here so that she doesn't have to leave?"

"Is that so wrong, wanting to take care of the one woman I have always loved?"

"Not at all. But you know y'all have ten years that you have to overcome here and that won't be easy."

"I never said it would be. But I fought hard to get her in high school and I refuse to give up now. And you, of all people, know that I have had no real woman in my life. Sure, fucked a few, but nothing serious. It's because I don't want one, I just want her." Jeff sighed and took a long swig of his beer, tapping his fingers on his knee. "You know Jimmy, even after all this time, that woman still fucking looks amazing. And those legs yesterday, man she was driving me crazy and she didn't even know it."

"Yes, she does. And you know she catches all the eyes. We get a crap ton of visitors at the diner, and I've seen the looks she gets." Jeff shot his friend a glare and Jimmy laughed. Jeff wasn't stupid, he knew many chicks wanted him back in the day, and still did, but he only ever wanted Rose. And he was thankful that she never found anyone either because he wasn't sure how he would handle that information.

But it seemed like now; he had a few problems to take care of. One is being Rose. Would she even listen? Because she had been telling him from the start of all of this that she didn't want to. But then again, he hadn't explained everything the first go-around.

"You think if I told her I really needed to explain, that you told me about Arlene, she would listen?" Jimmy let out a breath as he looked over his back yard.

"I think she would be pissed off at me for sharing that; she already thinks I tell you everything and that's the furthest thing from the truth. But, she might just give you the time of day to listen. Beyond that though, well, that's hard."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you want your love back and there is nothing wrong with that, you deserve it, but you also have ten years worth of hurt, anger and to her, betrayal to overcome. She will listen but don't think you will get more than that." Jeff sighed but nodded. "Why did you say she wouldn't go to Austin?"

"It's how we found out what happened to her after the accident. Austin, for her, had so many bad memories so I wasn't quite shocked she didn't go." Jeff could feel the gaze of his friend but he didn't go into more detail. There were things even Jimmy didn't know and he wasn't about to start on that road. Jeff grabbed his phone and sent the woman he loved a message that it was very important and they really needed to talk.

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