~ Chapter 4 ~

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"Did you actually come here to admire my home decorating skills?" Rose lifted a brow, not letting his anger bother her and asked both of her questions back to back, although she knew the answer.

"No, I'm sorry." Well that was different. Not him being contrite, he often was, but he never said those words. Usually it was in his look, his facial expressions; and it was there, along with the words. She wondered who made him change that up, but refused to go down that road.

"No point in keeping them up when we were done, right?" Jeff pushed his fingers through his hair but nodded.

"I guess, just thought...," he trailed off and she waved her hand for him to go on but when he didn't, she rolled her eyes

"What? That ten years later I would still be loving you? Still be wanting to look at the man who I loved with everything and then walked way, basically saying I meant so little to him?" She uncrossed her arms and turned her back to him. Damn it, he should walk back away. But having him here, it was really brining up all those old feelings and she was hating it.

"Rose, you never meant so little to me, you know that." She couldn't stop herself from giving him a look of disbelief.

"No, sadly Jeff, I don't. Look, I'm sorry, I really don't know what you want to talk about, but I don't have the time. I need to start getting ready." He nodded, and although she never said it, it was implied how this was hurting.

"Of course, I'm sorry. I'll....um....reach out later." He walked out but she didn't let the shaky breath out until she heard his truck disappear.


She finished applying her make up and threw her eye liner pencil at the bathroom sink; her mind was racing as she stared down; the day of her simple wedding running over and over in her mind. She had always thought their love was enough, always, but it wasn't, and she had failed. And she often heard it; the downfall of small town living, everyone knew everyone's business. Which also meant that everyone had some input about other people's lives, and over the years, she had heard more than her fair share. Of course, not nearly as much recently, but she was sure that was about to change.

And throughout high school, there were many teenage girls who wanted him and let her know about their feelings the day he left for Austin. What many failed to understand about Jeff was that he had always hated little towns, and this was no different. She only thought that that him wanting her would keep him there, that their love was enough. Boy, how very wrong she was. And she was not going to be stupid and make the same mistake twice. She refused to fall to his charm like she did back in high school.

An hour later, she walked into the little hole in the wall honky tonk bar that she loved and smiled at some of her usual friends, their banter being overheard and making her grateful that she still decided to come out tonight, rather than staying in.

"Heard you had company." She took the beer that was offered and rolled her eyes at Jimmy, who was Jeff's ride or die buddy back in high school.

"I take it he stopped by to see you?" she asked, taking a swig of the beer but Jimmy stood up and grabbed her arm lightly, leading her away from their friends, a look crossing her face.

"You have to know that I have always kept in touch with Jeff, right?" Her eyes narrowed at that. No, she didn't, but she knew she didn't like it. Hell, how much had he told Jeff? That knowledge know was the last thing she needed to hear and was more than tempted to turn on her heel and go back home.

"No, Jimmy, I didn't know, but had I known, do you think I would have told you anything?" She tried to keep her voice level, but she was having a hell of a time.

"I never told him what we talked about Rose! You are my friend too, you know." She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Look, he's here to talk to you."

"There's nothing to talk about!"

"No?" Jimmy looked her in the eye and slowly lifted a brow. "I think there's a lot you two need to talk about."

"Fine, maybe a lot to talk about, but you have to care to want to talk, and I don't care."

"No?" he asked again, which caused her to roll her eyes; at both his tone ad that dumb eyebrow he cocked. She was questioning why she was friends with him to being with.

"What's your point?"

"Maybe hear him out, since you care?"

"For the last time, I don't...," but she stopped short. She didn't have to look at the smirk on his face; she could feel the change in the air the moment he walked in. He always affected her that way. He had at the diner too, but she was too busy to pay attention to it. Her eyes closed for moment and she licked her suddenly dry lips. God, why the fuck was this guy still doing things like this to her?

She felt the body come up behind her and she wanted to cry for a brief second. Her eyes flicked open and she saw Jimmy's smiling face and Lord have mercy, did she want to punch him. But she couldn't, at least not in the bar and not spend the night in jail.

"Dance with me." It wasn't a request nor was it an order. He placed his hand on her waist and pushed himself even closer. "Dance with me," he said, repeating himself. Yup, she was going to hell, and maybe, just maybe, she was okay with that.

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