~ Chapter 2 ~

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Rose walked out of the dinner with her jacket wrapped around her. It wasn't overly cold in the mid October night, but there was a slight chill and a little something was needed. She started walking to her car, but stopped as she saw Jeff leaning against his truck that was parked right next to her car. She smiled; how many nights had they shared like this throughout their lives?

"What brought you back?"

"I'm not back...yet." Rose lifted a brow at that one. Not back, then why be here? She was not under any illusion that this was about her. Once upon a time they might have been an amazing, young, hot and in love couple, but that was long ago. He made sure he killed that.

"So, why are you here?" Jeff looked around and then turned that piercing gaze back on to her.

"Wanna take a drive?"

"No, Jeff. I want to go home and rest." He looked at her, and then slowly looked her over, causing her cheeks to heat up.

"Why would you do that, the night is still young, darlin'."

"The night might be, but I'm not. I'm an older woman who has had a long day at work."

"But you're a hot looking older woman." She lifted a brow but the side of her lips lifted a tiny bit. Why did he still have to be so damn charming? "I want to talk to you Rose, that's all."

"Play catch up, is that it?"

"God, you always had a hell of an anger problem, is that why you're still single?" Her eyes narrowed at that and even he knew he had hit a touchy subject; however, deep down, he was thrilled that Rose was unattached.

"Screw you, Jeff. Look, if you don't have anything of importance you want to talk about, that's fine; I quite nicely recall the talk we had ten years ago, and I am more than fine with that to last me the rest of my life." With that, she shoved past him and opened her door, but he quickly caught it before she could slam it.

"I'm going to be here a while Rose, you can't ignore me forever," with that, he let her close the door. She glanced at him as she started the engine and quickly left him behind.


"What's he wantin'?"

"Mama, don't start."

"I'm not, I'm just askin'." Rose looked over at the woman who was sitting on the porch swing next to her and shook her head. She had hoped her mama hadn't heard anything, and when they sat down for lunch, and no comment was made about the bags under Roses's eyes, she had thought her mom hadn't heard. But, she knew better and this was the proof.

"I don't know mama. He stopped at the diner last night and wanted to talk to me."

"And you let him?" Rose sighed. She hadn't quite said yes, but she wasn't forceful in the 'no' area either. "Rose, you have always had a weak spot for that man, and you always will."

"Mama, I'm a grown, old ass woman..."

"Who is still gorgeous and is still in love with her ex husband." Rose sighed again. She knew her mom spoke the truth, but it's not like she wanted to admit that, ever. Granted, those who knew her the best, had known all that.

"Thank you, but it's not like I'm going to do anything." Maria gave her daughter a pointed look and shook her head. They both knew that if Jeff wanted to, he could push Rose to do anything. Sadly, he had the power over her; expect for the final fight they had ten long years ago.

"Just be careful with that man, Rose. You had your heart destroyed when you followed his no good ass to Austin and saw him in the arms of another woman." Maria got up and left her daughter alone.

And there was the problem. After six months of being alone, Rose swallowed her pride and made a trip to Austin to follow her husband, well, her husband then. And she found him in the arms of some red headed woman who was the total opposite of Rose. After that, she turned her truck around and came back to her home town with her tail between her legs.

No one knew what had happened so everyone was shocked when she filed the divorce papers and sent them to him. After all, this was the famous high school couple that everyone wanted to be. Hell, even after school, she had always heard the girls swoon about wanting to be her, wanting to be on his arm.

But, nothing ever lasts forever and their glorious love wasn't enough to keep him by her side. At least that's what it felt like to her ten years ago. She had always thought he enjoyed their small town, even though he didn't grow up here. But, no, according to him, he had hated it. The only good thing to come out of it was her, his Rose. It sure as hell didn't feel like that now though. Rose shook her head, not wanting to go down that road again. Hell, that's what kept her up most of the night anyways; memoires of them bouncing through her mind.

She finally stood up and went into the house, walking over to her mom and bidding her a good bye. Her mom hugged her and once more told her to keep her head around Jeff. She could only nod, not thinking that Jeff had really had things to discuss with her. She kissed her mom's cheek, picked up her goody bag and went back to her home.

She needed a good, stiff drink. Actually, a night at one of the two local bars, slash dance halls sounded good. This was Texas, they might not have a Wal-Mart in their little town, but you can bet your ass they had dance halls, filled to the brim every weekend with some of the loudest country music. Rose smiled to herself, liking that idea. She'd go take a long shower, dress up in her boots and jeans and head off to the bar; her friends would like that too. But the smile slide off her face when saw the black truck in her driveway; damn it, why the hell was Jeff here?

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