Kiss me and I'll Win.

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  • Dedicated to Caroline <3 :)

A.N: New story! I know, I'm crazy I can’t even manage the 2 others but really, I think this one will be good (: and I’ll probably upload this one a lot :) and with many pages at a time – like 10 or so. So, don’t be too angry if you don’t see me upload too often. It’s hard writing a 10/20-page chapter when your at school but right now I have 2 weeks of holidays so I’ll write :). I entered this in the wattys so plz vote :) ?

                                       Kiss Me and I’ll Win

Ք April Ք

I'm not the geeky one. I'm not the shy one. I'm the hot one, the cheerleader, the one everyone wants to hang out with. And I'm happy about how I am. I'm tall and slim and I have all the boys hung up on me. In the beginning, I never wanted to be the popular one, I was just the girl who was not even trying to be cool, kinda shy and with a few friends. But now I was the exact opposite. I hung out with the hot guys and I was of the people who do crazy stuff. My latest dare was to kiss Jason. As in Jason Phillips, the geekiest guy in our school. A total nerd. Who probably had no experience whatsoever. And this dare would not be difficult. I knew it. I had two weeks to make him fall for me and kiss me. People were easy to play and I knew it. I was a renown player in our school and even in a few schools around. They wanted me and that was what made them easy to play. I knew what weak points to press to get them to do what I wanted and I knew why I did this. All I thought about when I played them was Mark.


The only guy I had never forgotten. The way he talked, the way his tongue moved in sync with mine when we kissed, the way his lips varied the pressure, the glint of electricity when he touched my face, the way his hands trailed down my body… He was just so perfect to me. That’s until I found out he had played me all along. I had just been a small trophy on his big shelf. And that was why I started to play guys too. It was his entire fault. I had never really forgotten how much he had hurt me. And the only way I could think of to get all the pain and anger away was to play those guys. Poor guys. But they hadn’t suffered as much as I had- I guess. I hated having to do it to them but it felt so good to be able to do it when I imagined every guy was Mark. It was all so much easier. It was the satisfaction of having caused someone else the pain you had been through that made me happy. But that pain was not enough for me. It was never enough. I had to keep on breaking hearts so everyone would know how I felt. But I never suffered when I crushed their helpless hearts which they had nicely put into my hands. No. Never.


I walked into the school yard, aware of all the eyes on me and the gasps and murmurs around me. I was wearing a white dress with a flowery design and matching sunglasses. My white bag followed me around with every step. I pushed my lips a little further in front to make them look fuller, and I smiled. Not a huge, goofy grin, but a small smile that had already troubled many hearts. He was there. The Philips guy. I had completely forgotten his first name. He grinned and said something to his friends and pushed his geeky glasses further up his nose. I put my sunglasses over my head and made sure to wink at him when I passed him and I saw him flinch. He looked kind of dumbstruck. His back was a few inches from the wall and when I winked there was only a millimeter between the wall and his back. Don’t think I am a total retard and a complete freak, but I know what works, and I know how to check if it works or not. That’s why I was so attentive to everything. It was all just an easy game I could never –again- lose.

With a sentiment of satisfaction for having done what I needed to, I walked away to class. My lips formed a smile when I saw that a few of my friends were there already. And that smile was not one of the fakes I often made, but a truly loving and heartwarming one. That of course I never used to play guys. Because I never commanded those kind of smiles. They just came naturally, when I was truly and deeply happy. And when I said my ‘friends’ are the ones I am sure are with me not because they want to be popular, but because they really love me. I greeted each one of them, and the teacher came in, announcing the beginning of class. I took my seat beside Dan and we both took out our books to answer the questions the teacher had told us to. I have to say it someone tickles me to look into Dan’s copybook. He is such a good student. But I can still manage not to. I’m not a straight A-grade student, I have good grades, but not the best. I try hard and do my best. And I’m satisfied with my grades. And so are my parents.

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