So Sick

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Earth 11
Alexa's View

Y/n makes me sick.

You got me feeling so

If she knew how much I loved her she wouldn't move on a week later. We dated for 2 years, how could she move in so quickly?

If you knew what you meant to me
You wouldn't make it look so easy

"I feel like you guys would look good together." Sydney says.

Y/n laughs and I stare at her.

Acting like you forgot our history
But I don't, no, I don't

Is a week really that long? It feels like a day to me.

Feels like it hasn't even been that long, yeah

Y/n's phone rings and she takes it out of her pocket.

I know who that is.

Already know who's been calling your phone

"Hey babe." Y/n says answering her phone.

I should've seen this coming

And I feel like I should've seen it coming all along
But I guess you were already gone

I gag and walk away.

You got me feeling so sick, sick, sick

"What's wrong?" Sydney asks catching up with me.

"Promise not to tell anyone." I say.

"I promise." Sydney says.

"Y/n and I dated for 2 years and we broke up a week ago. We broke up because I couldn't trust her around a certain person. Now she's dating that certain person." I say.

"I feel sick." I say.

Got me feeling so sick, sick, sick

"Wow. I think you should be glad that you got out when you did. I feel like it's better to get hurt this way than finding out that she was cheating on you with that person." Sydney says.

"I guess you're right." I say. 

Time Skip

"Now that we're at a red light. Who's this?" Sydney says showing her phone to me.

 Who's this?" Sydney says showing her phone to me

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