"Is NO ONE going to talk about how... how MAGNIFICENT that was?!" Dr. Roberts, whose stayed quiet this whole time, finally breaks his silence, gushing about the mystifying experience with portals and multiverse traveling.

Peter (T) quietly steps foot into a bedroom, eyeing on Raquel's peaceful sleeping. Before he approaches her, he puts on his webshooeters, just in case if anything happens.

"Hey..." He says gently, reaching his hand out to touch her face.

Suddenly, he feels a slight shock to his hand, being harshly yanked away. He looks at his hand and sees that it too, was another web attached to him.

His Spidey senses a presence right behind him. But before he could react and do something, Peter (A) beats him to it and shoots another web on Peter's (T) side, pulling the web, dragging Peter's (T) body out of the bedroom.

"GAH!" Peter's (T) body dragged on the floor, now tossed down the stairs. But Peter (T) manages to break free of the web by pulling the web forcefully off the side of his body, and lands his arms and legs, crouched in a spider like position, on the first floor.

"You wake her up, you're dead to me." Peter (A) grunts, slowly coming down the stairs.

"It's time for her to come back home." Peter (T) gets up, standing tall now, as Peter (A) hops over the last step of stairs, standing tall as well. Both Peters now looking at each other menacingly.

Peter (A) nods, "She'll go back home, but not with you. Not on my watch-"

Peter (T) throws a punch at him, Peter (A) lands on the floor, now realizing that he's literally fighting off someone with likewise strength.

"You want to fight?" Peter (A) gets back up, spitting out some blood. "Take it outside. My Aunt May would not appreciate it in here."

Peter (T) nods without argument , suddenly feeling saddened how much he's missed HIS Aunt May.

"I didn't come here to fight you." Peter (T) clenches his jaw. "I came here for my girlfriend."

"You've got a lot of nerve to come all this way." Peter (A) glances at him with disgust.

"She has every right to be pissed off," Peter (T) swallows, slightly terrified of Peter's (A) expression. "But she hasn't spoken to me, let alone, thought that I have been dead for MONTHS, just recently knew that I was Spider-Man, and is in this multiverse madness now witnessing things she shouldn't have seen. She deserves at least an explanation-

"You know, I used to root for you! I encouraged her to fix things with you! But now, it is clear to me that anything from YOU is not worth a second to be heard." Peter (A) exclaims. "If you think that you could win her back, you are FAR wrong. Apologies and compromises won't cut it. I refuse to let her be a part of your circus of failure as a boyfriend any longer."

"My circus of failure?" Peter (T) gawks.

"First, you had every chance to tell her that you were Spider-Man. Should have done it the first week you guys started dating. Secrets like that can never be kept too long in relationships. Trust me, I WOULD KNOW." The Peter (A) now raising his voice. "Second, you could have warned her where you were before you accidentally multiverse traveled with your ex girlfriend, but instead you made her think you were dead, and finally waited to tell her until SHE started multiverse traveling to find YOU. 

"Third, you ESPECIALLY had every chance to grab her hand to save her, but instead grabbed MJ's. Do you know how much it hurts me to know that YOU did this to someone like Raquel? You were like...like a brother to me the last time we saw and fought next to each other. You were someone with courage and honor. And ever since you decided to make everyone in your world forget about you, YOU have changed. And I..I have gotten to know Raquel. And she is someone who DOESN'T deserve any of the crap you have managed to pull off."

"And what makes her think she deserves to be with YOU?" Peter (T) shoots back, pointing at Peter's (A) chest. "How are you any different? You knew she was my girlfriend, and you allowed yourself to fall in love with her clearly even before you both saw me kiss MJ." 

Peter (T) figures it out. "I SENSED you falling for someone, and surprise, surprise, it is someone who was never yours to begin with! Yet you can come here and scold me, while I have NO IDEA what you have been doing to her."

"At least I KNOW who I want." Peter (A) points back at Peter's (T) chest too. "You CLEARLY need help with that."

"You stay away from her." Peter (T) growls, hitting Peter's (A) hand away from his chest.

"YOU stay away from her." Peter (A) states in a dark tone, pushing Peter (T).


Both hear a loud cry and look at the top of the stairs and watch Raquel slowly coming down in complete dismay. 

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*It's getting kinda crazy! Hope you guys like this one and let me know what you think when you can:) Hope you all have a blessed day!*

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