Chapter 4.

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I shake my head at Rodney, expressing disgust and disbelief, heading out the door. "This is a sick joke."

Rodney beats me to the door and shuts it close. "N-no joke, I promise. I-I heard him."

"What are you, a median psychic or something?" I scoff, wanting to push him out of the way.

"Keep your voice down will you?" He falls into a whisper yell, looking from behind him. "Look, I'm basically a sorcerer in training and a couple of days ago, during practice, I saw his full suit...looking ...determined. I heard him think of your name. Then, I recently learned on the news that Spider-Man's dead. Since I heard your name, I thought you'd have a relation to him, so I contacted you and wanted to let you know that he is in fact....NOT dead."

We heard footsteps above us, as Rodney pulls me to the side of a darker corner.

"My teacher-Dr. Strange-"

"Dr. Strange?" I raise my eyebrows in disbelief. "Is your teacher?"

"He tells me to not get involved just yet," He rolls his eyes. "It looks like Spider-Man somehow found a way to travel through the multiverse trying to fight an intruder. We suspect that the intruder is not from this universe and took Spider-Man with him."

"Why would Dr. Strange tell you to not get involved yet?" My jaw drops, pinching myself to ensure this all wasn't a dream.

"Because the media's confirmed the death of Spider-Man, when in reality it looks like he's lost in the multiverse." He explains. "Strange thought it wasn't worth the trouble now to look for him. Trying to find him would promote confusion, exposure to the world, and possible mass chaos in the multiverse itself. He just needs more time to look into it in order to develop a plan. 

'I somehow was able to trace Spider-Man, by accident, while I was practicing in class, but his contact was literally for a split second. I couldn't help but think of your name, and I told Strange Raquel Huxley could be of significance to Spider-Man and he said it's too risky to get you involved. But what was going on, was obviously a love story. And I'm a sucker for love stories, I had a feeling inside that I needed to help Spider-Man come back home. Especially, come back home... to you. Yeah, I'm going against my teacher's wishes on how he's handling it, but I figured that time was of the essence in this case. Also, things around here can get boring, and this was by far the most entertainment I've gotten since I've started my training." He winces, letting out an awkward laugh.

"What...what is a multiverse?" I tilt my head with curiosity.

"Different universes, worlds, dimensions, parallel realities...all existing at once." He gulps in fear of the idea.

"Cool..." I whisper softly, blinking slowly in shock, asking myself if I'm genuinely okay with not only learning that my boyfriend has been a superhero this whole time, but the fact that he's now a different...whatever.

My body almost collapses to faint, but Rodney is quick to catch my fall.

"I'll get you something to drink." He says politely, lightly placing me on a nearby chair.

At last, a heaviness has been lifted, at the same time, a whirlwind of confusion and awe. But the hope of him being alive, so is so reviving.... and I needed to take this chance to see him again. Regardless of how daunting and ridiculous this whole multiverse sounds.

The following day, I became determined. I called out of work for a couple of days, let dad know that I haven't been feeling well. Rodney warns that he isn't too sure how long I'll be gone, but he says as long as I stay with him, traveling to the multiverse, we should stay on track with finding Peter and head back home in no time. What worries me is the fact that Dr. Strange does not know what we're up to, and that still in training.

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