chapter 6

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Eda shrugs and leaves the room. King hops off of Luz's sleeping bag and follows Eda. I turn to Luz and hand her a dagger which I summoned with Requip," Knowing you, you're going to go anyways, but please be careful. Do you still have the pendant?" I asked. Luz nodded, then I said," Then go and face this, but please don't trust others immediately." She nodded her head and I got up and left, closing the door.

'I hope you know what you're doing Luz because I believe this is going to be your first reality check... and if I am right then I will begin to teach you Celestial magic. With that, I walked back to the living room.

Now... 3rd person pov

While Y/n walked down the stairs, worrying about Luz, Luz was thinking about what Eda, King, and Y/n said. "Maybe they were right," Luz said to herself as she leans against the wall before sliding down it to the floor. She looked down at the dagger Y/n gave her and looked back at the map she was given,"Huh?" Luz said confused. The sunlight is illuminating one corner of the map, revealing the word "one" in shining blue lettering. Luz holds the entire map up to the light revealing the message: The chosen one The path will only appear to the worthy.

"The path will only appear to the worthy," Luz said then gasped as she continued, "That's why Eda couldn't see it. But am... I really worthy?" she questioned herself.

Wind howls and the window opens. The map flies out of her grasp, landing next to her book. The wind flips the pages to show Azura standing loved and triumphant on a small hill, the people around her applauding as she holds a staff to the sun.

" I'll never know unless I try," Luz said with a determined look. Before she left she grabbed the map, the dagger Y/n gave her and also the pendant he gave her. 'While I do want to do this on my own, I might not be able to defeat someone with magic if I get attacked,' she thought.

Meanwhile, Y/n was with King and Eda downstairs listening to King talk about finally getting a nap.

"Finally! All that mean‐spirited laughter made me sleepy," King said. Y/n still giving a disappointed look for them laughing at Luz.

"Crony, wake up. You said that wizard was one of my clients?" Eda asked King while Y/n also looked at King questingly. If what King said earlier was true then that wizard is someone not to trust.

"Yes. Now go away," King said.

"I don't know him that well," Eda said, sitting on the couch with enough force to send King flying into the air. Just as he was about to land, Y/n caught him. King nodded his head with thanks and got out of Y/n's arms. "And I don't trust this itch he's scratching in the human," Eda continued thinking very deeply.

Y/n was a bit annoyed that she didn't refer to Luz by name but he just sat there patiently not wanting to start a fight with his soulmate.

"Less talky, more nappy," King said with a look that says 'Stop talking now'

Eda sighs still thinking about the situation. However, while they were talking Y/n, with his dragon hearing as well as smelling, can tell that Luz left anyway. He understood the need to adventure however if anyone hurts her in any way she will not hesitate to end their life. After a bit more thinking Eda gets up and heads up the stairs.

'She's probably heading to where she thinks Luz is,' He thought with a boring look. As he got up and also went with her despite him already knowing she left.

"Hey, Luz? Aw, nuts," Eda said as she opened the door to Luz's room but realized she wasn't in there. Luz's room was empty. The only thing making a sound was the howling wind pushing open the window. Eda runs to the window with Y/n behind her.

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