chapter 5

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Bye, Y/n we'll talk to you later," they all said, and with that done the lacrima went back to normal and I started heading back to my soulmate.


As I was walking back to the house I noticed Luz looking out the window. 'Now what is that girl up to?' I asked myself.

"Good morning, terrifying fantasy world," Luz yelled out.

As I was about to say good morning a monster that was in the water near the house waved at Luz and also said good morning to her. I walked up to the front door and said," Good morning Hooty,"

"Y/n! Your back! I was wondering when you were going to come back, after all, you were gone for such a long time," Hooty said getting excited.

I chuckled," I was just talking with some old friends. Nothing much," walking through the front door I questioned," Is Eda not up yet?"

"Yup! Eda isn't a morning person," King exclaimed walking down the stairs. 'Huh, he is still wearing my crown,' I thought to myself. Then Luz walked down the stairs with what looked like a dirty traffic cone and a bathrobe.

"Uh, Luz... what are you wearing?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I am wearing witchy clothes Y/n," Luz replied with a duh look on her face. King looked like he was going to say something but I just shook my head at him.

I then turned toward Luz and gave her the one raised eyebrow look and said," Ok Luz; whatever you say," walking towards a seat next to the table in the kitchen.

Luz then started fangirling and talking to herself about how this is her first day on the boiling isles and to show everyone what she is going to do as a witch apprentice.

I then noticed Eda's shadow coming down the stairs with Eda there too, yawning as it seemed she just woke up. Luz also noticed her and exclaimed happily," Good morning, Eda the Owl Lady. I am ready for my first day of Witch Apprenticeship,"

"Ugh!" Eda groaned as she shook her head and spiders came out of her hair. Then she looked directly at Luz and asked," Who are you, again?"

"Huh?" Luz asked confusingly as her name tag fell off.

Eda started walking towards me with Luz following behind. "Remember me? Luz and Y/n, one of your soulmates? We freed the oppressed and defeated the evil warden together? Yesterday?" Luz said, trying to remind Eda about what happened.

"Kid lay off the details. I haven't even had my cup of apple blood yet," Eda groaned out.

"You mean apple juice?" Luz questioned

"No," Eda answered, Eda then sits on the kitchen table and drinks from her mug. King, who was on my lap, crawled onto his high chair and stabbed a fork into a yellow blob with eyes sitting on a plate. I was kind of tired so me being me I asked Mavis if she could teleport some coffee to me, myself, and me.

Just like that, a can of Starbucks coffee appeared. 'You are a glutton for coffee Y/n?' Mavis asked in amusement.

(Is it just me who would love a coffee right now? No? Nevermind then.)

'Yes I am a glutton for coffee and you can kill me if you don't approve,' I thought proud of my addiction. As the coffee started settling into my system I paid attention back to the situation.

King was laughing at Luz, as she realized she was wearing a dirty traffic cone and a bathrobe. I glared at him and he stopped laughing. I sighed and thought while sipping my coffee,' I have a feeling today is going to be a day full of reality checks for Luz.'

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