chapter 2

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"Now let's see what we've got here," the lady continued. As the woman went through the bag her owl carried she said, "Garbage, garbage... garbage. [gasps] Now, this," She said as she put on some silly glasses, "This will make me rich." As y/n saw the lady's face, he couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked.

"And this, "The lady said, taking out Luz's book, "Oh, this'll make good kindling," Putting the book near a fire. Luz saw this and gasped, "Excuse me, sorry, it's mine, thank you," she rushed out of hiding, grabbing the book out of the lady's hand and running back to the door they came out of, Y/n was right behind her wanting to make sure Luz was safe. The lady closed the door though, "You're not going anywhere." The lady says to both Y/n and Luz. It was then that the full burning of yours and what looked to be her soulmate mark started taking effect, and there was only one thought that you and her had, "He/She is my mate."

Now... narrator Pov...

In y/n and Eda's hesitance Luz opened the tent shop and ran, that was when y/n stopped staring at Eda and ran after her.

Y/n pov...

"Luz," I yelled running after her. I noticed that the lady was following us silently, or trying to, I noticed Luz stopped and was finally looking at our surroundings. 'I can't help but think this place looks like a darker version of my world,' I thought sadly. I then focused back to Luz, she isn't used to stuff like this.

"Oh, no, no, no, no! What's going on?" Luz asked when she looked to the side and saw what looked like a fairy and she shrieked, but then she looked closed and said,"Oh, hello, little fairy. Are you going to tell me this is all a fantastical dream?" Luz asked.

"Give me your skin!" It said and Luz shrieked again, it was about to bite Luz so I punched it away like erza would do to Natsu when he got annoying, then I gave it a glare that would kill when it got up again, it obviously got scared and left.

'Heh, still got it,' I Thought to myself, smirking as it ran off.

"Y/n where are we? Did we die? Are we in the bad place?" I was about to answer when the lady we ran into came out and grabbed Luz's shoulder and said,"You wish." I grabbed luz away from her and glared, even though the burning of my mark was getting worse. 'She is still a potential threat to Luz and no way in hell is Luz going to get hurt.' I thought to myself, as I glared at her, though it wasn't a I'll kill you glare, it was more of a don't touch her glare. The lady looked understanding though, which shocked me on the inside but I wasn't about to let it show. 'She may be my mate but I was taught not to show any emotion.' I thought. I looked at Luz and gave her a shake of my head, telling her to trust me. So we followed the lady back to the front of the tent, on the way I noticed she was in pain because of the mark which I saw on her arm. So I grabbed her arm and touched my mark. She looked at me shocked and was about to grab my arm when I pulled away. She seemed to be a little disappointed but still she had a look of understanding. When we got to the front of the tent Luz finally broke our silence and exclaimed," I'm so sorry! I just wanted my book! And you're gonna eat my skin! Just make it quick!" With that she stuck her arm out and continued saying,"Just do it now!"

I glared at the woman in front of us but all she showed on her face was confusion. "Eat you? Why would I eat... a potential customer?" she said, showing us some items that are from Luz world. "Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes? A bar of green human candy? Oh, oh! How about this black shadowbox that reflects only sadness?" she said. I kinda admit, it was a little cute and funny how she didn't know what some of the stuff was. Luz looked at her and giggled,"That's not all it can do. Here, let me see it." With that she grabbed the 'shadow box' that is actually a mini T.V. while I grabbed the batteries from the human candy section and put it in the mini T.V. It turned on and we sat it on the counter of the shop.

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