Epilogue Part 1: "Little demon."

Start from the beginning

His trail of thought ended when he heard giggling noises outside his room and soon the door opened with a very chatty and chubby almost five years old blondie running towards her dad with a giddy expression.

"Dadda! Momma and I made breakfast!"

Julian quickly wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand and took his daughter in his lap. Instantly a smile bloomed on his face when he looked at his daughter showing him a toothy smile without a tooth in the front. "Really? Hmm I wonder what day today it is. Am I forgetting something Lola?"

She giggled before playfully giving him an angry look and crossed her arms, "Dadda today is Sunday! As momma shays, Sundays are for families."

He tickled her and she laughed out loudly before carrying Lola who was still in her PJs with her blonde hair still messy outside to find his wife.

He silently placed his daughter on the floor when they both raised a finger to their lips in unison towards each other and slowly crept their way from behind the brunette standing in one of Julian's old t-shirts and sweat shorts making pancakes in the kitchen.


Lilly screamed, "Ahh! What the heck you two-"

But she couldn't complete her sentence because both; her husband and her daughter started laughing maniacally and high-fived each other.

"No more pancakes for you two." Lilly gave them a sweet smile before turning back again towards the stove.

Julian placed Lola on the counter near Lilly who then squished her mom's cheeks while she was busy pretending to be mad at both of them. Julian wrapped both his arms around his wife from behind and started kissing her neck and shoulders.

"Aww come on, don't be mad at us now Noodle. We were just trying to have some fun, weren't we Lola?"

Lola's blue eyes were bright with life and her rosy cheeks rose when she smiled at her parents, "Yesh, mommy. I'm sworry for scaring you."

Her mispronunciation at some words and the puppy look she gave to Lilly obviously melted her heart.

"Ugh, I can't stay mad at me baby for so long." Lilly took Lola in her arms and peppered kisses on her cute little face before turning back to Julian who was watching them with a small smile, "And you're going to do the dishes today. I did them yesterday now it's your turn."

Lola pointed at her father and laughed bubbly.

Julian narrowed his eyes a bit at her, "Traitor, I'm not going to help you win UNO this time."

But he walked towards both of them with a smile and embraced them, kissing his favourite girls on the forehead.

"Momma put me down! I just remembered Frozen is going to shtart soon!"

At Lola's terrified face Lilly laughed and kissed her cheeks once more before putting her down, "But no TV after that for the rest of the day okay? And you'll sit back on the bed while watching the movie or else-"

Her daughter's voice rang back to her from where she ran towards her room, "My eyes will become weak! I remember momma, don't worry!"

Lilly laughed softly and turned back to Julian, read the expression on his face, the slightly swollen eyes and puffy nose when realisation dawned upon her.

She hugged Julian who reciprocated it with equal force trying not to become overwhelmed, "Ugh, I never should've given you my password Julian. You listened to it again, didn't you?"

He gave her a sheepish look and she cupped his face, "Don't keep torturing yourself, Julian. I'm alive and healthy now. I've been in remission for a long time now and I am certainly not going to leave anytime soon because then the world will have to deal with my two little demons."

Julian chuckled slightly, "It's not torture, it's just a reminder of what I have and how I should cherish it always Noodle. I am sorry for the days we fight but we both try our best and most importantly I love you. I think I don't say it often enough."

Lilly bopped her nose with his, "I love you too and it's called being human and having a healthy relationship. Yes, we had some really horrible days sometimes in the past but we overcame those together and now we're stronger than ever."

They kissed briefly and Julian said, "Not to mention our little demon we have with us now."

She laughed heartily and they both stood there in each other's arms, "She's so your daughter. The other day, she got into another fight with someone at her school and the teacher told me Lola freaking smirked after punching a boy who stole her eraser."

Julian's shoulder shook with laughter but his face was hidden in the crook of his wife's neck, "Also don't we have to go to Blake and Han's tonight?"

Lilly blew a raspberry, "Shit, I forgot about that but let's have our traditional breakfast first with Lola in her room or else she'll misbehave the whole day and bug us."

"Now that makes her your daughter, Noodle." Julian smirked and winked at her.

She laughed and entwined their hands together, "Shut up, and help me you goof."


because ily all too much and im impatient af in case we didnt establish that lmaooo anyway part 2 coming out tom and you're welcome. 


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