"But I am afraid of the recoil!"

Yep, it was his Namjoon. He could recognise his voice even if all the people on earth were talking at the same time. He turned to the shooting range, followed by Yoongi and Dohwan. When he reached there, he found Namjoon holding a gun, wearing ear protection and pointing the gun at a fake target. Behind him was Jackson teaching him how to shoot.

"If you are so afraid of the recoil, then how are you going to learn how to shoot?" Jackson scolded him more. "Just focus on the target. Your muscle memory will take care of the recoil."

"Ugh." Namjoon grunted and shot again. Seokjin was really amused. He stood there on the door, leaning on the door frame with his hands folded against his chest as Namjoon flinched every time he shot. "The gun is so heavy. My hands are aching."

"The gun is heavy to make the effect of the recoil less." Seokjin finally interrupted them.

Namjoon gasped and looked at Seokjin with wide eyes. He put the gun down and removed the ear protection. "Hyung..."

Seokjin turned to the target and saw that Namjoon had missed every bullet that he fired. "So this is where you were running off to, huh?"

Jackson raised his eyebrow, "Were you following him?"

Seokjin was about to answer but stopped when he heard footsteps coming his way. Around five people entered the shooting range and bowed to Seokjin in sync. "Hwejang-nim. You could have called for me. I would have visited you."

"You own this place," Namjoon muttered in shock. It was more of a self-realisation statement than a question to Seokjin. Of course, Seokjin owned half of the buildings in Seoul.

"How dare you talk to Hwejang-nim like that?" The manager shouted at Namjoon. "Do you even know who he is?"

Do you know I am? Namjoon wanted to retort, but he kept quiet.

Seokjin glared at the manager, "I am here for annual reports. I will check everything by myself, you guys can go to your respective works." Seokjin rather ordered, leaving no place for an argument. The crowd dispersed leaving Namjoon with an unpleasant Seokjin. Seokjin looked at Yoongi, "Fire the manager. I have received too many complaints about him being rude to customers." Yoongi nodded and left the room. Seokjin looked at Jackson, "Can I have Namjoon to myself tonight?"

Jackson nodded, "Of course." He turned to Namjoon, "I'll see you tomorrow." Namjoon nodded as Jackson left followed by Dohwan, who closed the door in the process. Namjoon looked at Seokjin like a deer caught in a headlight.

Seokjin slowly walked to Namjoon, "So... When were you going to tell me that you are learning how to shoot?"

Namjoon gulped, "After I had completely been trained."

Seokjin hummed as he walked behind Namjoon and made him take the position in front of the target. He gave Namjoon the gun and covered him from the back, "Butt out. Hold the gun with your shoulders rather than making your wrist carry all the weight. Focus on the red dot in the centre." Seokjin improved Namjoon's position where necessary and then pressed the trigger. Namjoon flinched again still wrapped in Seokjin's body. But when he saw that the bullet had hot the centre and the score board on the screen began to celebrate, he was satisfied. Seokjin put the gun back and turned Namjoon around, "Did you think I would refuse to train you if you came to me?"

Namjoon felt ashamed. He had honestly thought that if he had told Seokjin he would rather give Namjoon two bodyguards than train him to shoot. He nodded slowly, "Also, I thought you were already busy with so many things and I didn't want to burden you."

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