chapter 11 missions

Start from the beginning

Mark saw some wizards barrel down towards him and he cracked his neck.


Tiny wings sprouted from his shoes. Swift like the wind Mark flew into the trees as rays of light flew past him.

"See, it's just a coward!" Cried out a dark skinned boy shouting phrases in Latin which Mark assumed were supposed to be deadly spells. There was a rule quickly established amongst them demigods.

Don't get cocky. They might be harder to affect via magic, but it was no reason to just let themselves get hit.

Still he flew down from his hiding spot, weaving between spells and swiftly kicked the young wizard accross the face. Audibly breaking his nose before flying back high where he couldn't be reached.

Ron tried to aim his wand where the demigod flew. He almost felt like thanking him for shutting up Blaise.

After a mighty combined effort the adult Wizards who let themselves be led by Mad eye managed to drive away the  dragon.

Now the least of their trouble was over.

A small group of heavily armored and fully harmed Half-blood marched towards them. Each clad in Greek celestial bronze armor and weapons.

They advanced as a unit, their round shields raised in a phalanx position. A witch laughed mockingly at the primitive weapons.

"A dragon and now swords and shields? These savages can't be serious." She laughed.

Ron was suddenly washed over with a burst of confidence, together they managed to drive back a dragon. Nothing could stand in their way now.

Or so he thought.

"Incendio!" He yelled shooting a jet of flame from his wand. Hoping to scare off the demigods, but he didn't expect another wizard from the crowd to use the engorgio charm, combining the two spells in a devastating result. The small stream of fire nearly instantly turned into a raging inferno that slammed into the phalanx.

Ron watched on in horror as he accidentally burned alive the demigods. His wand nearly slipping from his hand.

Mad eye limped next to Ron. "You alright my boy?"

Ron couldn't say anything, only stare completly frozen.

"You did what had to be done." assured the older wizard.

"did these motherfuckers just try to burn us alive?" Demanded a voice coming from the fire.

"Yeah Jenny I think  they just did." Piped up a male voice "Hey Kenny you wanna -"

"On it" said another voice. "Thank you kindly." He said ignoring the shellshocked wizards.

"pedío tis vrochís!"¹

Suddenly a miniature storm cloud formed above the fire. A hail of rain fell down on it, quickly extinguishing the flames. Revealing the still perfectly intact phalanx. Only now glowing green runes that Ron didn't recognise appeared in the Shields, glowing like stars in the night.

A small object landed in front of Vincent Crabbe. "Ah! Sticks rain and now rocks?!" He laughed "how dumb can they-" the small object burst into a concusive explosion that sent him flying along with many wizards.

Taking advantage of the surprise the phalanx broke apart. One demigod threw a javelin straight into Mad eye's metal leg. It wouldn't have done much if the javelin didn't start shooting bursts of electricity into the old Wizard's body like a sharp metal eel.

Mad-eye-moody fell to the ground convulsing. Seeing most if not all their spells bouncing off the godly metal, the wizards and witches tried to flee. Although many would argue it's merely a tactical retreat.

One of the demigods called out "firefly!" Suddenly each demigod hid under their shield again, at the exception of one who threw their arms up and started glowing so intensively that Ron felt like he was about to go blind. When he finally regained his vision his fellow wizards and students were in complete dissaray.

He saw Blaise getting beat up by a little girl wielding a club. She couldn't have been older than seven years old and swinging a piece of wood nearly as big as she was.

Some were entangled in vines while other were knocked out with blunt arrows.

There wasn't just the phalanx anymore. Dozens of teenagers and children's dressed in nothing but orange t-shirts were taking down full grown wizards.

Ron's blood ran cold as he heard many try to use the unforgivable curses, but the demigod who summoned the rainy clouds made sure none of them could finish those spells. Knocking them away with telekinesic force each time they even though of using these particular curses. Ron was almost thankful.

Ron managed to use expeliarmus on a few demigods, knocking their weapons out of their hands. They payed him no mind, either picking back up their weapons or resorting to beating up his fellow Wizards sensless with their bare hands.

Fire lightning plants and wind. All were at the demigod's control. Ron watched on confusedly as some just dropped to the floor sleeping like they had just chugged an entire potion of sleeping draught. While others were turned into animals in bursts of white mist.

Ron saw his brother's to the side. Not doing anything except enjoy the show with a bag of candy.

He rolled his eyes and finally shook off his shock. He raised his wand and used the protego spell in Order to protect himself from a stray explosion.

Suddenly Ron's legs were swiped from under him. Making the young wizard crash to the ground. He reached for his fallen wand, but the glowing spear tip pushed under his chin dissuaded him from trying.

Ron looked up fearfully, his stomach painfully twisted in a knot as he could only wonder what would be done to him now. He saw the woman standing over him hesitate. She turned the gleaming Spear around and smashed it's butt in Ron's face. Swiftly knocking him out cold.

"Round up the prisoners!" Barked Clarisse Rodriguez as the wizards were driven black from their border. She appreciated the ancient Centaur asking for her help, but if was clear now that she wasn't actually needed.

Her son flew down next to her. He removed his helmet revealing a huge grin on his face. "Did you give em hell?" She asked ruffling his sweaty hair.

"Your damn right." Mark grinned, Clarisse glanced at the piles of groaning wizards and elochently tilted her head in their direction. Understanding the silent order Mark put his helmet back on and helped his friends drag the uncounscious ennemies in the jail they had created just for them.

Each wands were carelessly thrown in a bag and stored in armory, which was no longer a run down shack. With the Romans passing on the regular they helped make a few very welcomed changes and vice versa.

Clarisse looked fondly as her youngest sister made sure a wizard was knocked out with her club.

"This is like whack a mole!" She exclaimed happily knocking another wizard who begged her not to with a wide smile on her face.

Clarisse chuckled and kneeled down in front of her. "The attack is over now. I think it's time for you kids to go to bed."

"Noooooo" she whined stomping her little foot. Pouting adorably.

"None of that" Clarisse sternly said picking up the small child. "you can play whack a mole with them later if their bad okay."

"Okay." She yawned laying her head tiredly on Clarisses shoulder.

Clarisse smiled softly, making sure no one was watching as she did so.

She wondered how her younger self would react, at the fact that she has found something much more important than her own ego and interest to fight.

That being future she held in her arms.

Hopefully it'll be more peaceful than her past.

rain field¹

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