chapter 5 hunters hunted

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Agnes Young happilly strolled throught the woods of the forest behind her home. Singing in an angelic voice that attracted the birds so much they sang along with her.

Her mother always preffered the isolated lifestyle. It only made sense to her last year when she was told by her father who and what she was.

She was coming back from a stroll when she met him. He was sitting in a circle of flowers she could have sworn wasn't there before. The man softly strumming a guitar in casual clothing looked so average that she assumed he was merely a friend of her mother, but the godlike way he played the instrument should have been the first sign that he wasn't average.

He sent her a radiant smile and kindly asked her if she wanted to sit with him. Agnes wasn't sure why she was inclined to listen to a stranger, but she sat down next to him nonetheless.

He asked her how she was doing, but Agnes didn't answer. She couldn't answer anyone anymore.

"Still not using you're voice huh?" He asked sounding saddened.

Agnes eyes widdened. When she was eight years old she threw a tantrum and screamed so loudly her mother nearly went deaf.

She hadn't breathed a word since. Too terrified of her destructive voice.

"You know that was never you're fault darling." He gently told her. "It's more mine actually." He stated chuckling akwardly.

Agnes tilted her head to the side, a frown twisting her young angelic face, her honey blonde hair falling in front of her face.

Apollo chuckled and moved the strands of hair away from her face. "There that should do just fine now." Agnes looked down where he was looking at her necklace. A necklace she didn't have three seconds ago. It was a beautiful golden celtic shield.

She went to ask how it got there, but she swiftly stopped herself. Not wanting to ruin the eardrums of the nice Man.

"With that you can speak normally until you get a better grasp on you're voice. And remember this, no matter how you sing, wether it be loud or quiet. You're voice is the trace you leave upon this world. If you don't use it you already have one foot set in the grave."

He cupped her cheeks, his skin radiating the most comforting warmth Agnes every felt. "Beside, i'm certain you're mother would be overjoyed to hear you again."

As if summoned Agnes heard her mother call for her. Momentarily distracting her from the nice man. She turned back to him, but he was gone without a trace.

Confused and a little scared, Agnes softly hummed an old celtic song she heard her mother sing to her before. When she reached the kitchen Agnes didn't even notice that she was now singing out loud.

She only realised she was doing so, when her mother dropped a plate that shattered to the ground. Startleling her, Theresa Young held a hand over her mouth with teary eyes filled to the brim with happiness.

It took three long years, but with a single visit from her father, Agnes began to heal and she used her voice whenever she could.

Now twelve she remembered that day with fondness. Being a demigoddess wasn't really easy, but Agnes managed with the help of her mother.

But right about now she wouldn't mind some godly guidance.

She's been walking in the jade woods of Scotland for a few hours now, but she wasn't worried about being lost.

She was worried about the people following her. They were weirdly and brightly dressed, poiting strange camera like objects at her.

And talking about her like she was the subject of an animal documentary for some reason.

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