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"What is it?" You asked pulling away from him.

"So I might've lied when I said I didn't need an excuse to take you to dinner." He said.

You tilted your head to the side as he pulled out a small bag from his pocket. He took a box out from the bag and held it in his hands.

"So remember when I said I wanted to marry you?"

"Of course I do.... why?" You asked getting nervous as your eyes flash back and forth between Ran's eyes and the box in his hands.

"Oh honey I'm sorry this isn't an engagement ring, we're a little too young for marriage right now." He smiled.

You let out the breath you didn't even realize you were holding.

"However it is a ring. I'm hoping you'll wear it until we're old enough that me proposing to you won't sound so crazy." He smiled opening the box.

     You gasped at the beautiful shiny ring. It was small, nothing too flashy which you were happy about. It was a simple silver band with your birthstone in the middle of it. You eyes welled with tears at the ring. Ran chuckled shaking his head.

"Like I said its no engagement ring but it does signify the love I have for you.I wanna be there until the end, love."

"Was this the 'small errand' you did this morning?" You asked.

Ran looked away.

"Maybe. Like I said I wanted to show you how much you mean to me."

You blinked a few times and some stray tears ran down your face. Ran wiped them away smiling at you. 

"I love you so much Ran." You smiled.

"So I'm assuming you want the ring?" Ran asked playfully.

"Of course I want the ring!" You laughed.

Ran took the ring out from the box and slid it on your right ring finger. He kissed where the ring lied which caused your face to heat up and turn red. You stared at the silver ring and more tears began to pool in your eyes.

"Oh my gosh babe, stop it." Ran chuckled wiping your cheeks again.

"I can't help it Ran. Its so beautiful." 

"Come on love, I gotta take you home. Its getting pretty late." Ran said helping you off the swing.

Ran intertwined your hands and walked you back to your front door.

"Do you think you could-"

"Spend the night? I thought you'd never ask." Ran chuckled as he opened your front door for you.

Your mother was sitting in the living room watching tv. You and Ran took your shoes off by the front door and walked into the living room.

"Oh hi honey, hi Ran." Your mother greeted.

"Hi mom."

"How was dinner?" Your mom asked.

"Dinner was great mom. Ran and I had an amazing time." You smiled at Ran.

"Yeah it was a wonderful time like always Ms.(L/N)." Ran smiled down at you.

You mother was smiling at the two of you before she spoke.

"I guess she liked the ring huh Ran?"

Your eyes shot towards your mother smirking at you.

"W-what? What ring?" You panicked.

"Oh honey Ran came to me with that idea this morning when I was leaving." You shot your eyes to Ran.

"What I wanted to make sure she'd be okay with it. I'll need her blessing in the future so." Ran shrugged. "And yes, she loved the ring." He smiled triumphantly.

"Oh good. Well my shows over so I'm gonna head to bed kids." Your mom said turning off the tv and standing up. "Goodnight honey. Goodnight Ran." She said giving you a kiss and giving Ran a smile.

You and Ran went into your room. When Ran shut the door behind him you threw a pillow at him.

"SHE KNEW?!?!"

"Ouch firstly, and secondly, of course she knew. Like I said I'm gonna need her blessing in the future when I want to marry you, so I figured now would be a good time to test the waters if you will and she was all for it." He smiled.

"I can't believe she knew." You laughed grabbing some pajamas as Ran laid down on your bed.

You went to leave the room and Ran grabbed your hand.

"Whats up baby?"

"Where are you going?"

"To change." You said holding up your pajamas.

Ran reached for the hem of your shirt playfully making you giggle. You simply stood there as Ran lifted your shirt, your lower stomach being exposed. Ran laughed and let go of your shirt letting it drop back down.

"I'm just kidding babe. Go get changed." Ran said tapping your thigh playfully.

     You chuckled and walked to the bathroom to change. Once you changed you walked back to your room. You opened the door only to immediately slam it shut. You could hear Ran laughing on the other side of your bedroom door. It got quiet for a few moments before the door was opened from the other side.

"You can come in now." Ran smirked at you.

"I'm sorry Ran. I should've knocked."

"I mean I also could've told you I was gonna change while you were changing." He chuckled.

"What was that black mark on your back?" You asked sitting down next to him.

"Thats my tattoo." He said nonchalantly pulling you back to lay down with him.

"Tattoo?" You asked looking at him.

"Mhm. Do you wanna see it?" He asked.

"Can I?"

     He nodded his head before sitting up and getting off your bed. He pulled his sweatshirt off and you saw the thick black lines that spread across half his chest. Then he turned around showing the other lines that spread across half his back. You sat up and pulled Ran closer to you. Your fingers ghosted over his tattoo.

"They're beautiful. Why only half though?"

"Oh Rindou has the other side." He smiled putting his sweatshirt back on and laying down next to you again.

"Aww thats actually cute. You think we'd ever get matching tattoos?" You asked looking at him.

"I mean if you'd want to, why not?" He smiled kissing your head.

"I was just joking." You chuckled.

"Mhm, sure you were." He joked with you.

You looked at the ring that adorned your finger and smiled at it. Ran snickered at you staring at the ring. He reaches and holds your hand in his rubbing the top of your hand with his thumb. 

"I love you so much (Y/N)." Ran spoke quietly.

"I love you too Ran." You whispered back.

Ran pulled you closer to him before the both of you fell asleep.

Until the end~ Ran Haitani FanficWhere stories live. Discover now