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Credit: Pinterest. Artist: Unknown

A/N: Sorry for not updating this story for about a month. I had some personal issues I needed to handle first before coming back to this book, but I'm back and I have some other chapters already written out. I hope you guys aren't too mad about this wait. I hope you guys enjoy <3

     A few months had passed and you and Ran had gotten closer and closer. You woke up to the sun beaming into your room. You attempted to pull your blanket up over your head but couldn't. You turned over seeing Ran sleeping peacefully. You smiled at him as his stirred slightly before opening his eyes.

"Hi baby. Do you want me to shut the blinds?" Ran asked, propping himself up on his shoulders.

"No, but the sun is annoying." You softly chuckled.

Ran smiled and pulled you into his chest. You nuzzled against him feeling the soft hoodie he was wearing. You wished you could stay like this forever. You swear all you wanted to do was just hold Ran in your arms. However the dream was ruined when Ran shot up from your bed.

"Woah, you okay Ran?" You asked sitting up.

"Yeah I'm just uh late for something, ya know gang related. I'll call you later (Y/N). I love you. Please lock the door behind me." He said kissing your head before leaving your room, and soon your house.

     You huffed and got up to lock your front door. This had been going on for a some weeks. He'd be hanging around like normal then suddenly he'd be leaving with no other excuse than 'something came up'. Anytime his phone went off he'd be ditching you. You two could be in the middle of a date and he would apologize and leave.

     You decided to ignore it and just continue with your day. Maybe he was just busy and really couldn't tell you what was going on. You got dressed and decided to make yourself some breakfast. Your mom was at work already so you decided that you'd just spend your day at the library, something you used to do to pass the time. Once you were finished eating you cleaned off your plate and grabbed your bag and headed towards the library.

     You watched all the kids out playing at the park which brought a smile to your face. You missed that with Ran. Yes, he still took you on dates to the park but they always felt rushed. Every date with him felt rushed, like he wanted to take you out but also couldn't wait for the date to be over. You were so deep in thought you didn't notice the body that was in front of you until you collided with it.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention." You immediately apologized, bowing your head to him.

"Don't worry its okay, I wasn't paying attention either." The man replied giving you a smile. "Wait, have we met before? Your seem so familiar." 

You gave the man, a puzzled look.

"No, I'm sorry but I don't think so." You spoke apologetically.

"No? I'm sure I know you." He said as he starred at your face making you slightly uncomfortable. 

"My apologies but I must be going." You tried to smile politely.

"Yes, I'm sorry. It was nice meeting you..."

"(F/N) (L/N)"

"Ran Haitani's girlfriend?!" 

"Umm yeah." You smiled.

"Well miss (Y/N) it was a pleasure to finally meet you face to face." He smiled.

"Mhm, it was nice to meet you too." You smiled at him.

He nodded his head at you before walking past you and soon he was gone. 

I definitely need to ask Ran or Rindou about him. If only I got him name that would've made this easier.

You continued your walk to the library still thinking about who that could've been. Was he a friend of them? Was he in their gang? So many questions that you had to ask. You remembered this morning, how Ran had said he was late for something gang related but you decided to call Rindou anyway.

"Good afternoon (Y/N)." Rindou answered.

"Hey, I know you guys are in the middle of something but I had a question and figured bother you instead of Ran."

"Huh? What do you mean in the middle of something?" Rindou asked.

"Ran didn't go into specifics just you guys had something to do today. I know I made him late but I hope no one was mad at him. I'm really sorry." You apologized again.

"What are you talking about?"

"Jesus Rin seriously? The freaking meeting you guys had, are you dumb?" You said getting slightly irritated with Rindou.

"Hey, watch your tone, first of all. Secondly, I genuinely have no clue about what you're talking about. We didn't have any meeting today. In fact, I thought Ran was still at your house." Rindou spoke.

Suddenly you felt as if your world could've crumbled right then and there.

"W-what do you mean no meeting? He said he was late for something gang related. I assumed it was some meeting or something." You stuttered. "H-he said that he was late." You repeated.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) but I really have no idea about any meeting or anything happening today." Rindou spoke softly.

Did he actually know what you were talking about? No. Ran never told him that there was a meeting today. The only thing Ran had said was he'd be spending the day with you, but guess not.

"(Y/N)? You okay?" Rindou asked.

     You were silent on the other end. You didn't know what to think. Would Ran really cheat on you? Surely if it was gang related he would've told Rindou, right? However Rindou had just said Ran claimed he'd be spending the day with you, so he was lying to two different people about his whereabouts. 

"(Y/N)? Hello? You can hangout with me if you're up for it. I'll buy you food and all." Rindou said trying to help your mood.

Was Rindou always this nice? Hell no. Did he grow a soft spot for you because of your relationship with his brother? Yep, a hundred percent.

"No thanks Rin. I appreciate your help. I'll just hang out at the library, I was gonna do that anyway. I'll see you around, bye bye." You hung up without even giving Rindou the chance to say goodbye to you.

     You continued your walk to the library and went inside. You perused the aisles of the library looking for something, anything to grab your attention. You found a fantasy book that caught your eye simply from the cover art. You pulled it off the shelf and found a quiet spot to sit and read this book. Are you going to finish it? Probably not but you can always check the book out later.

You were so zoned into the book when someone lightly kicked your foot. You looked up and saw Rindou standing above you. You patted the floor next to you and he sat down.

"You actually read things here? I thought you were one of the 'I'm going to the library just to sit in the cafe' type of girl." Rin joked sitting beside you.

"Nope, I actually read books and you're distracting me so, shh." You whispered to him.

You knew why he was here. You appreciate the gesture but you wish you were alone with your book.

"Do you have a library card?" Rindou asked.

"Of course I do. Why?"

"Check the book out, we're gonna get food." He said standing up, pulling you with him.

"Ugh fine." You said knowing if you protested he'd make a scene and you'll be thrown out.

     He wouldn't care about being thrown out but you would so the pair of your went to the front desk to check out the book. Once finished and you guys had left he took you to a little diner not to far from the library and brought you inside. He didn't even check in with the host before bringing you to the dinning room. There you saw the familiar twin braided guy sitting at a table alone. He looked your way and his eyes became the size of saucers.

"Lets go have a little chat hmm?"

Until the end~ Ran Haitani FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя