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"Nothing just something small." Ran said smiling at you.

"Just something small huh?"

"Yep." Ran said kissing your cheek. "So whats the plan for today?"

"Umm... I'm not sure actually. Did you have anything in mind?"

"I did. Lets have dinner tonight. I'll go home and get ready and I'll pick you up at seven. Wear something nice, even though you'll look amazing no matter what, and we'll just have a nice night together. Sound like a plan?" Ran asked smiling.


     You were excited. Its been a while since you and Ran had a proper 'date night'. You guys of course had dinner together and things like that but they never felt like dates anymore. Ran gave you a kiss before he left and went back to his house. It was only 12:15 so you had a lot of time to kill which you didn't mind. You went into your bedroom and rummaged through your closet trying to find the prettiest outfit you could.

     Once you found that you laid the outfit out on your bed and tried to find shoes that would compliment it. Once you decided what the shoes were you placed them at the foot of the bed. You went into the living room and sat very impatiently on the couch waiting for the right time to start getting ready. You heard your moms car pull in and soon she walked through the door.

"Hi honey. Where's Ran?" She asked taking her shoes off at the door.

"Oh he actually went home, we're going out tonight." You smiled at her.

"Oh how exciting!" She exclaimed. "When is he coming to get you?"

"He's gonna pick me up at seven and we're gonna have dinner somewhere." You smiled.

"Aww thats so sweet." She smiled back.

     The day felt like it was taking years to pass, you looked at the clock and saw it was finally 5:30. You stood up off the couch and went into your bathroom to do your hair then went into your bedroom. You applied light makeup, not wanting to overdo it. You got dressed and grabbed your shoes by the end of the bed. You walked into the living room waiting for Ran to show up.

     You heard a knock at the door and went to open it. You smiled seeing Ran dressed in a nice black shirt, and black pants. He looked amazing, but he always does. You stared at him for a moment before he chuckled at your gaze. You looked up at him and cocked your brow.

"We've been dating for so long and yet you're looking at me like its the first time you've seen me." He smiled.

"Oh sorry Ran." You blushed.

"Its cute though. So you ready to go?"

"Yeah let me just put my shoes on and we'll be off." You said going back in the house.

     You slipped your feet into your shoes and grabbed your bag off the table. You said your goodbye to your mom before shutting the door behind you. Ran grabbed your hand and you guys walked to the restaurant. The walk was somewhat long but you didn't mind since you had Ran's company. 

"So since we're walking, can I ask you something?" You asked looking up at Ran.

"Of course baby. Whats on that pretty mind?"

"Why did you want to go out? We usually just stay home or go to a cafe, we never have dinner out together."

"I need an excuse to take my girlfriend out?" He chuckled. "I don't know. Just after that whole situation I feel like I need to take you out more, ya know, show just how much I really do love you." He said kissing your head.

     You smiled and continued the walk to the restaurant. The walk was quiet but it was a comfortable quiet, just you and Ran, and the cool air around you guys. You and Ran has reached the restaurant and he opened the door for you. He grabbed your hand and walked up to the host.

"Hi dinner reservation for 2."

"Of course, can I have the name?"


"Okay..." The host said skimming through the reservation book. "Ah, okay. Please follow me." He smiled grabbing two menus.

Ran snaked his arm around your waist as you followed the host to the outside seating. The host placed the menus on the table.

"Your waiter will be with you in a moment." He smiled walking away.

Ran pulled out your chair for you as you sat down. He made his way over to his seat sitting across from you.

"So reservation huh? Was that the small errand you had to do this morning?" You asked smiling.

"It was a part of the errand. You'll find out later what it was." He chuckled as you pouted at him.

     The waiter soon came and asked for drinks and appetizers. Once you and Ran had finished the appetizers you ordered your dinners. You looked at Ran and could see throughout the dinner he seemed to start to look uneasy. Your dinners were placed in front of you and you and Ran dug in. 

"This is delicious babe, want a bite?" Ran asked gathering a bite on his fork and reaching over the table to you.

You took a bite and widened your eyes.

"Wow that really is delicious. Do you want some of mine?"

"No thats okay babe, you eat." Ran smiled as you continued to eat.

"Do you want dessert love?" Ran asked finishing his food along with you.

"Can we spilt it?" You smiled.

"Of course."

     When the waiter came to clear your table Ran ordered a dessert for the both of you to spilt. The waiter soon came back with the dessert and two spoons. Ran being Ran took a spoon and decided he would feed you the dessert. You happily took bites off the spoon and you swore you could see Ran's eyes light up as you were eating the dessert. You felt that it was only fair for you to feed Ran.

     Once you both finished Ran paid for the dinner and you guys left. It was about 8:38 when you guys left the restaurant. Ran and you were walking back home when you passed the park where you guys first met. You smiled at the memory of Ran being so chill about how sad it was for a group of boys to gang up on a girl. Ran looked down at your smile then back at the park.

"Want me to push you on the swings? Like old times?" He smiled.

"Please?!" You smiled excitedly.

     Ran pulled you by your hand over to the swing set letting you sit on the swing. He went behind you and started to push you lightly. You smiled remembering all the times he would do this for you even when he didn't want to. You could hear Ran chuckle from behind you making you turn your head to him.

"What? Whats so funny?"

"I just thought of all the times you'd ask me to push you and I'd roll my eyes at you because I thought it was childish and dumb." He said smiling.


"And nothing. Its childish and dumb like I said." He deadpanned.

You pressed the heels of your feet into the ground stopping the swing. You whipped your head around at him showing your shocked and confused face. You were ready to burst into tears when Ran started laughing.

"Oh no babe I was just joking please don't cry." He said still laughing. "Do I think its childish? Yes. Do I think its dumb? No. Its cute that even though we're teens you still do child-like things like this." He said kissing your forehead.

"Oh. I thought you were serious." You spoke softly.

"Of course not. I love those things about you." He said walking to the front of you kneeling down. 

You put your arms on his shoulders and pressed your forehead against his.

"You okay love?"

"Yeah." You whispered. "I just wanna sit like this for a bit." You breathed out.

"We can do that but I wanted to give you something."

"What is it?"

Until the end~ Ran Haitani FanficWhere stories live. Discover now