Maybe a sequel???

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Okay wow so it's been like almost 3 years since I started this story and it's been done for a while now and stuff, and so many of you supported me throughout the process of actually writing this book, and many still continue to read it and support me.

This book literally has over 60K reads which I never expected. I remember getting so excited back in 2020 when I got like 20 views after a couple of days. I started writing it in a notebook and planned it all out, then decided to post it here on Wattpad. I've gotta say that there were pretty big gaps of time between chapters because of lack of motivation or not having any time at all to write, but even through that so many people still put up with it, even on cliffhangers.

So I've put some thought into it, and I haven't updated my other books in a while or even written new chapters for them, but because of the amount of support on this one as well as the fact that it's my first ever book and it's doing so well, I've been thinking about writing a sequel.

I'm not sure what'll be in it, maybe a bit of Y/N's past life or their future now. Marriages, either Stucky or Peter x Reader, or both, who knows. Peter and Y/N growing up with the avengers, falling more in love and shit, having kids. Maybe a whole new plot with action and adventure and drama that can revolve around Spider Man: No Way Home. I'm not sure.

But honestly if enough of you comment here that you'd like a Sequel, then I'll make one. Even if I've got no motivation whatsoever. Comment ideas on what you'd like to see, what kind of plot/story, twists in the story, anything really that you'd like to see. I can definitely say my writings improved, so it'll be less of a story revolving around Y/N'S tragic and traumatic life where their abused and adopted and in an orphanage with nobody who loves them like every other story out there 💀

But please, let me know here, PM me ideas or whatever, but I am considering a Sequel if enough of you would like one.

Again, thank you so much for all of y'all's support, I hope you're all doing well and feeling good. It's been a hard time with COVID, and if any of you need to talk about anything, I'm right here. Y'all have supported me with this story, so I'm happy to be there if any of you wanna talk.

I love you all dearly, and I wish y'all the best <33


WolfGirl [Peter Parker x Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora