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"Are you sure you don't want us to drive you?"

"Mom I'm not five!" Mishka laughs halfheartedly while a slight pout could be seen, bottom lip pushed out and little whines mixing in with her quiet giggles.

"I know but it's our Baby girl's first day of High School! It'll be the last time we get to be with you before you're all grown up." I wipe away a tear that had slipped down my cheek at the realization of how fast she had seemed to grow up, all of the memories finding their way into my mind which made me all the more emotional.

She huffs out, rolling her eyes yet still holding a smile on her face. "I'll always be your Baby girl, you don't have to cry about it Mom." Once again she rolls her eyes, throwing an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into her side.

"Excuse me I have every right to cry! Right Hun?" I look up at Peter expectantly, eyebrows raised while he just looked between the two of us hesitantly.

"Mish, your Mother has every right to cry." He walks over, slipping his arm around my waist and allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder.

"Wow I'm so lucky to have such a supportive Fiancé." I smile up at him, quickly getting lost in his chocolate orbs as I leave a loving peck to his lips.

"Ew that's gross!" She makes a fake gagging noise and it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"You won't be saying that when you have a boyfriend." I hear Peter scoff, sighing as I know what's about to come.

"She's not having a boyfriend! Not now and not ever!" He gave Mishka a deathly glare, who merely just shrugged in return carelessly and paying no attention to his words.

"Well that's not a very nice thing to say, what if I had done the same to you and Y/N hm?" Steve walks in, cocking his brow while his arms lay crossed over his chest, leaving against the doorframe of the kitchen.

"That's different because I'm me." I laugh out at his statement, causing him to send a glare my way as well, but it was a playful one that made me laugh even more.

"Just admit it, she's all grown up now." Tony had come in just then, placing his hands on Mishka's shoulders from behind as his eyes trailed on us after his words.

"Never." I whisper menacingly, a small smirk on my face while I cross my arms over my chest, much like Steve.

"Oh is that a challenge?" He smirks back, walking towards me terrifyingly slow but I don't move, not even flinching as he gets closer and closer.

Just as he lunges at me, I love out of the way and watch as he stumbles, catching himself before he had fallen. "Too slow." I give him a reading smirk, letting out a loud cry when he had lunged again, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder which caused me to burst out into laughter as he spun me around.

"N-NO! PETER HELP ME!" I gasp for breath between my fits of laughter, clutching onto his shirt in fistfuls first support to make sure that if his grip ended up slipping I wouldn't fall flat on my bum, and if I did I could take him with me.

"Mish go! Now's your chance!" Tony laughs out and I watch as Mishka slips into the elevator with a huge smile on her face, giving a wave as the doors fall shut.

Before I knew it I was passed along to someone else that I could now see as Bucky, who began to tickle me after laughing me gently onto the couch so that my back hit the cushions. I couldn't even talk because I was so breathless, only being able to get air into my lungs when they had stopped a couple of minutes later, leaving me huffing and puffing.

"Fuck, I love you guys, but never do that again." I gasp out before taking in a large gulp of air, clutching at my chest to try and get my heart calmed down, little giggles still leaving my mouth as my laughter dies down.

"Language Y/N." I roll my eyes at Bucky who's smiling down at me, watching as Steve punches his arm lightly.

"That's my line!" Bucky rolls his eyes as well, pulling him in for a kiss and making me shove an arm in front of my face.

"GET A ROOM OH MY GOD!" I shout out, groaning out dramatically.

"You called for me?" I see Loki stick his head into the room and I let out yet another groan, smiling to myself when both him and Tony start arguing about something stupid.

This was my family, and as hectic and crazy as it could be, I was glad that I could be apart of it. I couldn't wish for anything better as I lay there amidst all the yelling and laughing, playful fighting and kissing - Mostly from Bucky and Steve - and most importantly the love that was evident in the room, swarming around us d creating that homey feeling that I missed.

I was home;

That's the last chapter omfg 😭


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