Love You Still | Quinn Hughes

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#43, Defenseman for the Vancouver Canucks
Word Count: 3.1 K

"Elias! Never in my life have I been so happy to see you." I greet Quinn's teammate with a hug.

"Wow, Brooklyn, really appreciate that." He replies sarcastically.

I pull back, rolling my eyes. "You know what I mean. Thank you so much for helping me with this. I'm so excited to see him."

He chuckles. "Huggy Bear will be ecstatic, trust me. Plus, he deserves it, and so do you. Covid has been a bitch when it comes to long-distance relationships, from what he's said to me. And he's said a lot. He complains more than anyone I know."

"Yeah, well, I'm just happy that I'll finally be able to see him. It's about time, after eight months of only FaceTiming."

"Do you think he has any idea you're not back in California?"

I shake my head. "He's clueless. I texted him as we were landing and asked him how his day was going, and we had an entire conversation about hockey and how my clients' therapy is going. He thinks I'm back at the office." I assure him. "Why, did he seem like he was catching on when you left?"

"By the time I left, he was passed out in bed. He's had a long week. He's been putting a lot of pressure on himself. It's not healthy, but what can you do?"

I sigh, not liking the idea of Quinn beating himself up over a game. "Hopefully he'll feel better soon."

We get in the car and start the drive to Elias and Quinn's shared house in Vancouver. It's definitely convenient that my best friend is also Quinn's best friend and roommate, so it's easier to surprise him. Elias and I talk about everything we can think of, just making small talk until we get to the house.

When we pull up, I feel my heart start to race. After eight months being stuck in Huntington Beach, I am so ready to spend time in Vancouver with Quinn. I've missed him immensely, and I can't wait to be in his arms again.

Elias grabs my bags, waving me into the house. "Go on. You know where he is. I've got this." He assures me. I give him a quick hug before running into the house, more excited than I've ever been.

I gently close Quinn's bedroom door behind me, tiptoeing over to his bed. He's passed out, the covers only half on him. He's only wearing shorts, leaving his chest bare. His mouth is hanging open and he's snoring lightly. I used to find his snoring so annoying, but I love it now. Because it's part of what makes Quinn, Quinn. And I wouldn't change a single thing about him.

I kick off my shoes and carefully pull back the covers and lay down beside Quinn. I just gently stroke his hair, not wanting to wake him. From what Elias said, he's pretty worn out, so he needs all the sleep he can get.

After a while, he slowly starts to wake up, stretching slightly and scrunching up his nose at the light coming in the window. His eyes slowly open, revealing those beautiful brown eyes of his that I love.

"Morning, sleepy head." I greet with a smile.

He blinks a couple times, confused, and reaches a hand up to rub his eyes as if he thinks he's going crazy. "Brooke?" His voice is groggy, making him all the more adorable.

"That's me." I tell him with a soft laugh.

He doesn't waste a second, tackling me. His entire body weight is on me, which is a lot considering he's a hockey player with a lot of muscle, but I don't mind. I'm too happy to finally be in his presence after the last long eight months.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, pulling back just a little bit to look at me.

"Elias picked me up from the airport and brought me here. I wanted to see you. I mean, it's been eight months with Covid and all."

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