Et Je Vous Aime | Timo Meier

3.6K 17 26

#28, Right Wing for the San Jose Sharks
Word Count: 2.5 K

"If all it is is eight letters
Why is it so hard to say?
If all it is is eight letters
Why am I in my own way?"
- "8 Letters", Why Don't We

I skim the essay I'm working on, looking for any mistakes. I hope there isn't. I've spent almost eight hours working on this, and it has to be perfect.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. This paper impacts the grade I have in my graphic design class. I honestly don't know why I have to write a paper, but my professor wants us to explain why we enjoy graphic design—and art in general. It's not the most conventional way of doing things, but I guess times are changing.

I take out my iPad and pull up my drawing app, going to my newest drawing. As a Californian, I'm a huge San Jose Sharks fan. I've been watching hockey since I was little, and I've grown to love the Sharks the most out of all the teams based out of California.

My newest art piece features my favorite player, Timo Meier. The perspective shows the back of his jersey, showing his number, twenty-eight, and his last name.

Example of picture:

Today, I work on the background, making sure it's blurry enough so that it doesn't take away from Timo, but also clear enough that it's obvious that the background is the SAP Center

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

Today, I work on the background, making sure it's blurry enough so that it doesn't take away from Timo, but also clear enough that it's obvious that the background is the SAP Center.

I take a sip of my coffee, glancing down at the work I've done. It looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. It's not perfect, of course, but it's one of my better pieces of work.

I take another sip, smiling. I'm pretty proud of myself for how good this is turning out.

"I like your jersey."

I choke on my coffee, eyes widening. I know that voice. How could I not? I turn my head slowly, meeting the amused eyes of Timo Meier. I reach to quickly turn off my iPad, but all I do is knock it off of the table. He scoops it up for me and notices what's on the screen. "You're an amazing artist." He tells me as he hands me the tablet back.

My face heats up, both with embarrassment over the drawing and being such a huge fan, and of the fact that I'm a huge mess right now.

Timo smiles at me. "Are you okay? I'm sorry if I scared you. I just wanted to say hi, since you seem to be a big fan."

I nod quickly. "Yeah, I am. But, um, this is really embarrassing." I tell him, gesturing at my iPad and coffee, and then pointing at my jersey. "I just really was not expecting this." I explain.

He gestures to the seat in front of me. "Can I sit?"

I nod, gulping. My day has taken a huge turn, possibly for the worst. Though I think spending time with my favorite hockey player and overall celebrity of all time makes any day a good day.

Hockey ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora