Formal | Luke Hughes

8.7K 62 37

#43, Defenseman for the University of Michigan, Drafted to the New Jersey Devils
Word Count: 3.3 K

February 18, 2022 - 8:29 PM

Unknown Number:


Unknown Number:
I know this is probably weird but I swear I have an explanation.

Unknown Number:
My name is Luke. I saw you today at the hockey game and I noticed you seemed really upset. I asked one of your friends for your number so I could check on you. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about whatever you're upset about. I know that sounds weird, but I just know that I would appreciate it if someone reached out to me if I was feeling upset. I know that I don't know what you're going through, but I want you to know that I hope you feel better.

Unknown Number:
You're a really gorgeous girl and you seem really nice. I'm sure that whatever it is that's bothering you will pass, and if you ever want to talk to someone, I'm here. You don't have to respond to this, I just wanted to tell you that I hope things get better. Have a good day 😘

Unknown Number:
shit, sorry, wrong emoji. Here - 😃 That's what I meant to send. Anyway, I hope your day gets better.

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March 2, 2023 - 2:48 AM

knock knock

Lukey Pooky:
Why the fuck are you still awake?

i can't sleep. why are YOU still awake, luke hughes?

uh huh. so quick to accuse but not to justify that you're doing the same thing

👆 Y/N, 👌 luke

Lukey Pooky:
You're obnoxious, you know that?

in fact, i do. anyway, are you going to explain yourself or just leave me to relish in my victory?

Lukey Pooky:
I'm watching game tapes. Well, I was. And then I started watching Quinn's game, and now I've been watching highlights for three hours.

of course it's hockey related. why would it not be? *cue eye roll*

Lukey Pooky:
Now are you going to explain why you can't sleep and are trying to send me knock-knock jokes? Because I know there's a reason. You just don't want to admit it.

just not tired. i don't know, i guess my life isn't exhausting enough at the moment

Luke reads the text and a second later, my phone buzzes with a FaceTime call. I immediately answer, rolling over to plug in my phone since my and Luke's FaceTime calls usually kill my battery. "Hey."

"Hey." He's sitting on the couch in his and Jack's shared apartment, the TV glow reflected in his eyes. He looks exhausted, which doesn't at all surprise me. Being an NHL player at nineteen will do that to you. At least that's what I've learned over the last year.

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