Not Me (Part One) | Luke Hughes

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#43, Defenseman for the University of Michigan, drafted to the New Jersey Devils
Word Count: 2.8 K

Luke Hughes is a name that I've heard at least two dozen times since I walked in the doors this morning. I don't know who Luke is, or why everyone is talking about him, but apparently, he's important. The only thing that anybody is talking about is this Luke kid and some injury that may cost him his scholarship to the University of Michigan. I think the fact that I learn all of this just from overhearing conversations tells you exactly how important this all is to people in this school.

It's when I'm walking from my locker to my fourth-period class when my question is answered. I'm staring at my phone, trying to find out how to get to my next class, when I accidentally run into someone. The kid curses as he barely manages to steady himself with his crutches.

"Sorry," I tell him, wide-eyed. "Are you okay?"

He glares at me. "You should watch where you're going. In case you can't tell, I'm injured, and I'd appreciate not having someone run me over." He snaps before leaving, his movements filled with anger. I just stand there, shocked. I didn't mean to upset him, I really didn't.

"Are you okay?" A guy asks me, furrowing his eyebrows at the guy I just ran into.

I nod. "I didn't mean to bump into him. I'm new, and I was trying to look at the map so I could get to my next class. I didn't even know he was there."

The guy sighs. "I'm sorry about Luke. He got injured at our game last night and he's in a lot of pain. Plus, he feels lost without hockey and he's not going to be able to play for a couple of months. It doesn't excuse it, but that's part of the reason why." He explains. "I'm Tyler, by the way. Luke and I play hockey together."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Y/N. Um, he probably doesn't want to see me again, so can you do me a favor and tell him I'm sorry?"

Tyler nods. "Yeah, I will. He'll get over it, and he'll feel guilty by the end of the day. I'm sure he'll find you and apologize." He glances down at my schedule on my phone. "Go down this hall and then it's that hallway on the left," he points to where to turn. "And it's the first door on the right. Have a good day, Y/N." He calls as he hurries off to his next class.

I just nod, still in shock from all that just happened. So much for having a fresh start at a new school. Already, one of the popular kids hates me. And I'm only three hours into the day. How much worse can it get?

- - - - -

I'm on my way to the library for my lunch and study hall when I'm suddenly surrounded by a group of boys. All of them are bigger than me, which makes me even more anxious.

I stare up at the one closest to me, who grins down at me. His grin is anything but inviting, though. Just the look on his face terrifies me. "Hey, baby girl." He grabs onto my hand. I try to wrench out of his grasp, but he only tightens his hold on me.

Now, I'm starting to panic. I can't get him to let go of me. What the hell do I do? I'm all alone in this hallway, and I'm surrounded by this guy and his friends. He's touching me against my will, and I don't know how to get him to let go.

"Hey, dipshit! What do you think you're doing?" I hear an angry voice call, and a quick glance over my shoulder reveals that Luke is my rescuer.

The guy immediately lets go of me. "How you doing, Hughes?" He asks cheerfully, taking steps further from me so it doesn't look suspicious.

Luke glares at him, stopping beside me. "I may be injured, but I can still beat your ass, Paul. Walk away and leave her the hell alone."

Paul raises his hands up in an "I'm innocent" gesture. "I was just saying hi to the new girl. No harm, no foul."

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