Big Plans | Connor Bedard

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#98, Center for the Chicago Blackhawks
Word Count:  2.5 K

"Just look at her sittin' there
Sweatpants, t-shirt, in her comfy chair, hmm
Her hair in a bun, one hand on a mug
And the other one's playin' snare
To a George Strait vinyl, that yes-or-no line will get her close
But I don't think she can understand
Just how far I've been lettin' my heart fall
But what's in my head"
- "Big, Big Plans," Chris Lane

*Just a quick author's note, Connor is older than 18 in this, as you can probably imagine, he's about mid-twenties 😄*

Connor's POV:

"You're crazy." I announce.

Y/N laughs. "Oh, come on, Con. Live a little. It's not like we can't use the company. Plus, he's adorable." She grins down at the dog as he snuggles against her.

"You're crazy." I repeat.

I can't even say that I was surprised when I got home today and found out my girlfriend rescued a dog today. She loves animals, and when she saw this dog on the side of the road today, she said she couldn't leave him and had to bring him home.

By the time I got home, she had already gotten food, a collar and leash and some treats for him, and had also bathed him. She works quick.

"C'mon, Con, pleaseeeee? Let me keep him." She sticks out her bottom lip for dramatic effect.

"Fine." I relent, as if I was ever going to say no. She knows me too well.

"Yay!" She cheers happily and scoops up the dog, coming over to hug me. As soon as the dog is let go, he's licking my face and jumping around. Y/N just laughs, thrilled that the dog has warmed up to us so quickly.

"I love you, you crazy woman." I pull her into my lap, taking her in. She looks amazing, even without trying. She's wearing shorts and one of my t-shirts that's slightly oversized on her. Her hair is up in a messy bun and it's the most adorable thing ever. When I got home, she was dancing around listening to George Strait with the dog running around her in circles.

She snuggles against me. "I love you, too, Connie-baby." She smiles against my neck. "So, what should we name him?"

I watch the dog as he curls up against my side and wrap my arms around Y/N's waist. "I don't know. What do you think?"

She shrugs, moving her head to glance at him. "I don't know. Wait! I have an idea, actually!"

"Are you gonna tell me, or make me guess?"

She rolls her eyes at me. "So, impatient, you. Anyway, I was thinking Gretzky. Y'know, after the best hockey player of all time."

"I actually like that. I also don't know anyone who's named their dog that, so it works. I think the legend himself would be honored."

She laughs. "As if Wayne Gretzky gives a shit about our dog."

- - - - -

"I got some big, big plans
Build a little house on some hand-me-down land
Find a little island where we go to get tan
I bet we take our kids down there one day
And I know she wouldn't mind if I
Did a little something like find a flight
Overnight to paradise and leave tonight
And I'ma put a diamond on her hand
She don't know I got some big, big plans"


I peek my head into our room. "Yes, baby?"

She winces as she sits up. "I'm sorry." She whispers almost guiltily.

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