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Months passed since I learned about Maggie dying. Whole months, I spent in my bed, wallowing in my own sadness. No one reached out to me. No one besides Rhea, who would poke her head through my bedroom door or leave something to eat on the bedside table.

Loba was busy with the new season and with her girl drama. Johnny was busy with his work. The one person I expected to hear from the most though was Walter. But, alas, nothing. I assumed he was too busy to check on me as well. So, I was left alone with my thoughts.

A recurring thought was about how lonely I felt. Sure, I had no one physically around me... but it felt like there was no one spiritually around me. When my mother and Keno died, I felt their presence everywhere I went. Every room I entered, every meeting I attended. My family was there... But with Maggie... nothing. Was she that pissed at me? I rattled my brain for answers. I wasn't the world's biggest spiritualist, but I needed her energy near me. It would help me grieve; I was sure of it.

My main issue was that I had nothing that belonged to her. I had that shirt of hers, but it had been too long. Her scent was gone, every trace of it being hers had faded away. I knew what I needed, and it gave me the energy to finally get out of bed. Finally, I showered, took care of my hair, put on some decent clothes. Rhea raised her eyebrows when she saw me walk towards the front door of my penthouse.

"Where you off to?" She asked, leaning against the kitchen counter. I paused.

"I... I need to get something."

"Want me to go with you? (y/n), I don't think... in your current state that you should-"

"Im fine Rhea." I reassured her, "I promise, everything is ok. I'll be back in less than an hour. If im gone longer than that, you can come looking." She nodded and I left my apartment. I rarely ever did things on my own anymore. I always had to be accompanied. I needed to do this though. By myself. No one could know what I was doing. I couldn't afford to associate myself with Mag- Mad Maggie.

I lived not to far away from where the dropship was being boarded. I didn't know where it was going, and I didn't care. I stomped towards it; arms folded across my chest when someone put their hand out in front of me.

"ID?" She asked, I glanced up. She was heavily armed. A bodyguard for the Apex Legends. I almost laughed.

"Im miss (l/n), im here to speak with my patron, Walter FitzRoy?" I had come a long way since my first encounter with powerful people. Years ago, a person like this would've shaken me, made my voice wobble. But here I stood. My voice stern, full of purpose.

"The ship is leaving soon. You should've seen him before he boarded."

"Yeah, well I didn't need to then." She didn't budge "I suggest you let me onto the ship. I will be less than five minutes. Off your precious ship before it even thinks about taking off." She hesitated, looking around. "I can get you fired y'know? The Apex Games is owned by the syndicate, which I am a very powerful member of." Something clicked in her mind. Her eyes widened, filled with panic and she stepped aside.

"The ship will leave, even with you on it. Be quick." She spluttered, I nodded and thanked her before heading inside.

It was... loud. Louder than I thought it'd be. Didn't take me long to realise why. The ship split off into two sections. One for the Apex Legends, the other for the normal people who wanted a crack at it. The side belonging to the legends was significantly louder than the other side. Music was blaring, people were chatting and shouting over each other. I felt a migraine coming on just thinking about it. But I had to grin and bear it.

I walked through the decollate corridor, the noise increasing. The door was unlocked, however 2 men stood either side of it. I groaned internally. I stood in front of them and shrugged. They looked me up and down, one huffed, like he was amused before slamming a button and the door pulled open.

It was a large room, very large. The rooms dotted around the edge were more like booths, all the legends belongings were crammed into the small spaces. In the centre of the room was an L-shaped brown couch, which I saw the Che child and Eduardo's child sat talking to each other. Eduardo's' seemed like he couldn't sit still, constantly twitching and looking around. He was the first one to see me.

"Aye! (l/n)." He jumped up from his place. Ajay dropped her small robot to the floor, a puzzled look on her face. Octavio walked towards me; his arms extended. The room fell silent. "What are you doing here mija?" He asked, as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"Ok wow, a lot of affection Oct!" He pulled away from me, glancing around the room, gesturing at Ajay.

"Hi (l/n)." She said, smiling at me. I waved awkwardly. This is... not what I wanted.

"Did you come here to see me?" He joked, bouncing on his heels. I laughed.

"I wish I did! Im not here to talk about your dad either. Im here to see Walter." He looked confused for a second.

"You alright mate?" Walter shouted from across the room. He had a guitar in his hand, and he was leaning against the wall next to a person's booth. The person inside was sharpening a blade, a crow by their side. They looked up at Walter as he stepped towards me.

"Oh Fuse!" Octavio said, slapping his forehead and returning next to Ajay. There was more silence, though there was a slight mummer from one corner.

"I'm ok, I just... needed to talk to you." I said, crossing my arms. Walter placed his human hand on my bicep.

"About... Maggie." He whispered, I nodded. I was confused by his attitude. He was very stand offish, like he was about to run away. His shoulders were tense, his entire body was frigid. "Ah mate, I was gonna tell you. I- I really was but you see-"

"You... already told me." I said, he shushed me.

"Has... (y/n), has no one told you?"

"Told me what?"

"That im pissin alive!" Her voice bellowed from a corner of the ship. I heard something rattle, like chains. I didn't move, I didn't look at her. Walter backed away from me slightly, removing his hand. Finally, I glanced up at Maggie.

She was stood up, tall, proud. She had a cut across her cheek, it looked deep and possibly infected. She had many strands of her in her face, dangling in front of her eyes. There was nothing she could do though due to her hands being shackled in front of her. She wore a mismatch leather jacket, baggy pants, and a tank top. She was wearing that blue lipstick I got her for her birthday. All the air was sucked out of my lungs. "What's wrong love?" She taunted "Look like you've seen a ghost!"


I published the first chapter of my valk fic! I wasnt going to, i was trying to wait till this was done but im impatient af 

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