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I could barely sleep that night. I tossed and turned for what seemed like hours, unable to settle. I tried everything, I opened a window, I lit a candle, I even tried to read. Nothing worked, my nerves just got the best of me.

Liz knew I was lying and when we got back to the shop, she didn't say anything to me. She just gave me a small smile of encouragement. Benzo knew Maggie and I had lied. I could see he was trying to rack his brain for answer, he couldn't understand, and neither could I. Maggie shouldn't have done that, she should've declared her innocence repeatedly until I caved and finally told the truth. But one look in my eyes and she crumbled, she lied for me.

Benzo hadn't talked to me all night. My sons came home later then expected. Johnny looked... shocked and Carl looked ecstatic which was never a good sign, though I was too exhausted to push them for answers. I instead, retreated to my room and had been cowering here all night.

The thought of her eyes kept me awake. Those beautiful brown eyes... Stop. I grabbed my pillow before flopping it on top of my face. I won't think about her like that, I can't. She probably hates me, thinks I'm more trouble than I'm worth. Though seeing her eyes and the way they melted, the way her entire face changed. Those harsh lines that were embedded into her skin faded and she looked so soft. It made me want to crawl towards her.

"You alright there?" I heard a voice say. I recognised the accent almost immediately and I threw the pillow from my face and sat up. She laughed as she hoisted her body fully through my window.

"How did you?" I asked.

"I'm full of surprises." She retaliated as she kept her distance from me. She ran her hand along the blue couch in my room, admiring the softness of it. She scanned my room, taking mental notes of each object and where it was. By the time her eyes had landed on me, I had pulled the blanket up to my neck and was leaning on one hand, my torso turned in her direction. We sat there in silence for a minute, the air was thick with tension. "I just wanted to... apologise for putting you in that situation. Wally- Walter said I was being unreasonable, and I should leave you alone, but I felt... bad."

"You apologise? I'm the one that lied in the first place. I should be kissing your feet for lying for me." This earned me a smile that reached her eyes.

"I shouldn't have been so forward when I first met ya... I probably sacred you half to death."

"You did... well kinda. It was a shock. I've heard so many horror stories about you, from Benzo especially."

"Ah, he isn't my biggest fan. Thinks 'kids' shouldn't be running around in freedom fighters' business." She did air quotations around the word kids before taking a step towards me, subsequently stepping more towards the light source. I saw her face, she looked worried, slightly paranoid. "He'll kill me if he finds me here."

"I thought you were here to kill me." I spoke. My brain was working so fast I didn't have time to filter what I was saying. She looked hurt for a moment, just a moment before she pulled herself back together.

"Yeah, I thought about it. We're never supposed to hurt other Slavonians unprovoked so if the rumour spread that id threatened you, it wouldn't go down so well for me." Silence followed that. Just a long silence. Neither one of us knew what to say but neither one of us wanted to leave. She shifted around for a minute, glancing around my room.

"Well, I'm in debt to you either way. If you hadn't lied, Benzo probably would've thrown me out onto the street. He has as weird thing against liars, especially now with everyone turning on him."

"Debt?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest, "You don't say."

"What." I mumbled, inching away from her so my back was against my headboard "Well I didn't mean- "

"No, no. I do need something, something only you can give me." What. The air felt like it had been sucked out of my lugs, my heart was hammering against my chest. What did she mean? Only I could give her. My mind was racing with 100 possibilities and one lingered, a possibility that caused a dull ache in the bottom of my stomach.

"What is it?" I was able to choke out, my mouth was almost completely dry.

"I need records. Records of people that have come to Benzo's shop, specifically for certain parts." She paused and dug her hand into her back pocket before pulling out a crumbled piece of parchment paper. She leaned forward, not taking a step towards me, and passed me the note. Hesitantly, I took it from her and uncrumpled it.

"These are all parts for a titan?" I asked, rereading the list to make sure id gotten it right. Benzo often received donations from scavengers who went out into battlefields and robbed parts from several robots. He was gifted a few whole Marvns once. I was able to recognise parts for titans because Benzo had diagrams of titans up in his workshop. After I first had my boys, I studied those images, imagined what different life I could've lived had I stayed in Noxus. Stayed at home. Would I be building titans? Redesigning them? I try not to ponder on things like that, it only made me sad.

"Yeah. Wipe that look of off ya face. I'm not building one... well not me, but one is being built. And it needs a few parts."

"Why don't you just buy them yourself?"

"You think I've got the money for that?"

"Fair enough... so are you going to rob them or- "

"None of your business!" She said, a little too loudly. I held my breath, the house remained silent.

"Keep it down would ya. Alright ill help, but you can't tell anyone."

"I tell Walter and that's it." I went to argue but realised how futile it was. When she saw my face fall, she gave me one final smile before heading towards my open window. "Ill be back in a few days, alright?"


Authors note-

Uhhhh. This is like my 4th time writing a fanfic but my first ever apex fic? Ive had an ich to write one for sooo long but ive been busy with school so i havent had the chance.  

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