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This car ride had been going on for 2 excruciating hours. 2 painful hours of nothing but silence. Maggie was clearly frustrated, even opting to turning the radio on, only to be met with static. She almost growled as she punched the small radio. The sun was beginning to set, and I was growing increasingly nervous that Johnny would die before we even arrived at the camp.

However, Maggie slammed the brakes on the car, causing me to jolt forward. I was lucky that the seatbelt actually worked. The only real injury I had from that outburst was a bump on the back of my head.

"What the fuck Maggie?" I shouted.

"We have to walk the rest; they'll see the car if we go any further." She moved her hands from the wheel and unbuckled her seatbelt and turned the key. The car's persistent humming stopped, and we were left in even more silence. I didn't move to unbuckle my seatbelt. She sighed. "What."

"What what?"

"Your pissed, this won't work if we're angry at each other."

"I'm not angry at you." I said, quickly turning my body to face her. "Are you angry at me?" She didn't answer "Oh my god, is it because of the other week? I thought... I thought you wanted that. I mean you certainly seemed like you wanted it- "

"I did want it." Her hands returned to the wheel, and she tightened her fists around it. "I just... didn't want it like that."

"Like what? That was... amazing. Short but-" She kissed her teeth. "What is your problem?"

"It just felt wrong!" She snapped "Your grieving, you're in pain. Your son died in your arms and all I could think about was one thing. All I wanted to do that night was scratch an itch I had for a very long time. I was being selfish. I didn't even- we didn't even talk about it before! And I was so rough, I'm normally not like that the first time." She paused, her hands releasing the wheel from her firm grip "I was just being selfish, and I felt very... guilty."

I could see the toll this conversation was having on her. She wasn't used to being so... open. So vulnerable.

"Maggie i-"

"Don't." She took a deep breath "C'mon, we're wasting fucking time out here." She didn't even wait for me to unbuckle myself before she violently pushed open the door and jumped out. I tried to be quick, but my hands were shaking. It was becoming too dark too fast. Too much too suddenly. I wanted to go back. I felt my breathing quicken, my heart began to race, and I felt like my throat was closing. I felt like I was dying, I gripped my throat and tried to calm my breathing down.

I felt the cool evening air hit my side as the car door next to me clicked. I jumped slightly, removing my hand. Maggie stood before me; guilt once again plastered across her face.

"Im sorry." I choked out. She extended her arm and began running soft and slow circles between my shoulder blades. I let me sore head rest against the seat. We stayed like that for a minute, waiting till my breathing had steadied and I was ready to leave.

"Don't apologise." She mumbled, moving her hand, and helping me out. She walked around to the back of the car, popped up the boot and pulled out a gun. "Take your pick." She said, moving to the side, shoving ammo into her pockets.

There were only 5 guns sat in the boot. A prowler, a p2020, 2 R301'S and a flatline. I looked over at Maggie to see her admiring the Eva-8 she had claimed. I smiled. I reached for the flatline, holding it loosely in my left hand while I shoved the p2020 in my back pocket. She laughed. "That's going to go off in there. Your gonna have a hole in your ass."

"I do it all the time." I waved my hand at her as I quietly closed the boot. "No hole in my ass."

"Yet." She muttered, I shoved her slightly. I was surprised by her quick change in mood. She went from very angry to light-hearted and friendly. She was giving me whiplash.

Gods and Monsters ~ Mad Maggie x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang