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Within an hour we had arrived in the proximity of the camp. We were perched on a small mountain that overlooked the bustling building. It was a 2-story warehouse, the lights inside were bright, not even one turned off. The people inside were loud too, laughing and yelling. Despite us being a good few meters away from them, we could still gage every conversation in the building.

Maggie sat down on the dusted floor, a 30-30 in her hand with a 3x scope. I sat down beside her in a cross-legged position, peeking through my own scope to watch the soldiers. There was a group of 4 sat outside, all with cigarettes in their mouth. A woman and three men. My sights were settled on the woman.

She was illuminated by the lights inside, although most of her remained hidden. Her hair was a dirty blonde colour and slicked back into a plait. She had a scar on her thin lips that stretched up to her nose. Unlike the others, she had a cigar in her mouth and a large grin plastered across her face. I watched as one of the men joked and she doubled over in laughter, almost dropping the cigar from her mouth. My finger ghosted the trigger, I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill her. Wipe that joy from her face. If it wasn't for her people, my baby would still be here.

"(y/n)." Maggie said softly, she put her hand on mine and lowered my gun "Don't shoot, it'll only scare the rest of them. They'll scatter like birds, and we won't be able to kill em' in time." I nodded, putting my longbow to the floor.

"So, we're just supposed to sit here?" I said, she shushed my, slapping a hand over my mouth.

"Shut up, you bloody idiot." She whispered, leaning forward. I mumbled something against her hand, and she laughed. I felt heat settle in every part of my body as she placed her other hand on my knee. "You have to be quiet, or they'll come up here, you get it?" I nodded my head, "Good girl." She removed her hand from my mouth slowly and picked up her gun from the floor. She swore under her breath. "They're gone. Don't know where." She checked one more time. "Fuck sake."

"Maybe we should move-"

"Shh shh shh." She held a finger up, lowering her gun slightly. She slowly rose into a crouching position, discarding her marksman on the ground and swiftly grabbing the knife from her pocket. I watched as she made me way over towards the trees, she was so quiet. Her footsteps barely made a sound. I got up to follow her, leaving my gun in the same spot. I made sure not to get too close as she navigated through the small area. She kept close to the ground, never looking behind her.

Almost in an instant, someone grabbed her. Yanked her by her arm and threw her to the floor. It was one of the men that was sat outside the camp. He was tall, taller than both Maggie and me. He looked as if he weighed more too. Maggie was quick to get back on her feet, one arm blocking her chest and the other, her stomach. She didn't acknowledge me, neither did the man. She lunged for him, knife in hand. He moved to the side, grabbing her arm, and kneeing her in the stomach. She doubled over in pain, letting out a gasp. I moved myself, staying hidden from his gaze. I didn't have a weapon, if he saw me, he would kill me. Maggie stayed upright, taking a few steps back. The man was stood near a thick tree, I tried to maneuverer myself until I was close to him. If Maggie launched at him again, he would shift to the right, right in front of me. Maggie followed suit, she pounced at him. However, the large man didn't move.

Maggie choked. I watched as he held the back of her neck, her upper half was dangling from his grasp. He grunted as he pulled something from her side. Only then when I heard the wet squelch of blood did I know what had happened. Maggie recovered herself, lifting the knife and stabbing it into his stomach. He didn't flinch. She yanked it out and threw it towards me. I crouched down when the man looked behind him. "What? I'm giving up." She coughed. He turned back around, dropping her to the floor. He was clearly gloating over her body. I could imagine the sick look on his face, the satisfaction. He would run to tell his friends all about his victory. 'It didn't even take me two minutes!'. I felt repulsed.

I inched forward, gripping the small knife in my hand. I wasn't shaking, I wasn't nervous. I was calm. Calmer then I had been in a while. I saw my opening when he looked down, the back of his neck was exposed. I ran at him, jumping and wrapping my legs around his back. He was stunned but I knew this wouldn't last for long. With my free hand, I pushed his head down and I stabbed the knife into his neck. The sound of flesh tearing, and blood spewing filled the air as I ripped the knife across the back of his neck. He fell backwards as an attempt to get me off, I was faster though. I pushed myself from his body as he fell to the floor. I put my foot on his chest and leaned towards his face.

I only looked at his eyes, those evil eyes. He wasn't scared, there wasn't a drop of fear in him.

"Do it." He said calmly. I didn't hesitate as I jammed the knife into his chest several times. I waited till he wasn't moving anymore.

"Maggie" I gasped, turning around. She was no longer on the floor. I desperately looked around, peaking behind trees, and rustling through bushes until I saw a trail of her blood. I raced after her.

"(y/n), oh fuck me did he get you?" She asked. She was leaning against a tree, her hand pressed against her wound.

"I'm alright, I got him." I dropped the weapon, running towards her. I grabbed her hand and moved it away "It isn't that deep." I spoke. "Here." I said, pulling my shirt over my head. "We have to compress it properly, lie down." She was surprisingly compliant, I guess the loss of blood made her less stubborn. She watched me as I bunched my dirty tank top and pressed it against her stomach. She winced in pain. "I'm sorry."

"Did you really get him." She questioned, I proudly nodded at her and she grinned. "I knew you had it in you. All this 'oh I can't kill anyone' bullshit and look at you, taking on guys 3 times your size." Her voice was just a bit above a whisper. I leaned towards her face and placed a hand over her mouth.

"Shut up, you bloody idiot." I whispered. She grabbed my wrist, moving her hand slowly over mine. She locked our fingers together and pulled my hand away from her mouth. "Bad girl." I said softly in her ear. Moving her hand so fast I barely saw it, she gently grabbed my neck, applying pressure to my windpipe before shifting her weight so I was beneath her. "Your wound!" I said, she squeezed my neck.

"Shhh, they'll hear you."

"Yeah and they'll hear you as you pissin' bleed to death-"Her lips crashed onto mine. I was stunned, I just lay there for a second until it hit me. My hands were tangled in her hair as I deepened our kiss. I opened my mouth, and she took her chance, shoving her tongue into my mouth. It was rough and sloppy as she kept on applying pressure onto my neck until I was gasping for air. I was sure she'd left a bruise. She smiled against my mouth, removing her hand, and moving to attack my throat with her mouth. She ran her tongue along my throat as I squirmed beneath her. She sucked, she bit until I was writhing in pain and pleasure, trying to push her away. She removed her mouth from my neck with a pop.

"That'll leave a pretty mark." She said, sitting up and admiring her work. She ran her hand along my tender throat, grinning as I bit back a moan.

"Please... do something." I was barely able to choke the words out. She moved her hand from the marks she had left to my bra strap, she played with it, dragging it down my shoulder before she stopped. Guilt washed over her face, for the first time in a while, I saw fear in her eyes. She jumped up away from me, her hand returning to her stab wound. "Are you hurt?" I quickly asked, sitting up. She stuttered slightly.

"Y-yeah, I think. Um, I think we should head back, before one of them looks for their friend... and before I die from blood loss, like you said." She tried to smile but it looked so forced. I helped her back to the mountain when I grabbed the guns and we returned to the church in silence.

Gods and Monsters ~ Mad Maggie x readerOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara