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Two weeks. That's how long it took me to complete the scorch. When the news was announced, people were in awe. They treated me like I was... special. Don offered me another contract, telling me I could work on weapons for the group, I quickly declined. All I could think about was Carl's safety.

I refused to let Carl out of my sight, forcing him to sit in the small room of the church while I worked when he wasn't in school. Liz was monitoring him as well; he couldn't do anything. I could feel the resentment bubbling in his mind, but I knew he would thank me for this later.

As for Maggie, I hadn't talked to her since that afternoon, and I had no intention of changing that. Despite her many, many efforts.

After a week of the silence, she grabbed me and pinned me against the wall in my small workroom. She didn't say anything though, she just held me by my shoulders and stared at me. All I could feel were her eyes burning into my soul, begging me to say something; anything. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I peeled her hands off me and stormed out. After that she would find any reason to be with me, not talk, but just sit there and stare at me. Burn holes into the back of my head or hide things in my room so I would be tempted to ask for her help; I never caved.

And that brings us too now. I was crouched down in the room picking up my tools from the ground. I had borrowed one of Benzo's special tools and amidst the chaos of trying to avoid Maggie, I seemed to have misplaced it. I sorted through everything, every piece that lay before me, but I couldn't find it. "Fucks sake." I muttered as I stood up and cracked my back. I turned my attention to the packed bookshelf. Maggie must've done this. I remember putting it down on the floor so I would be able to find it, she must've moved it.

Someone breathed heavily behind me. I knew who it was. I didn't turn to the side though, I kept looking. I pulled out a cardboard box and shoved it aggressively on the workbench. I turned around and gripped another one. She let out another deep breath. I kept my eyes away from her and just pushed the box onto the workbench. I spun around, not caring about where my arms went and, crash.

I stopped dead. I let out a sigh and I heard her chuckle. I didn't turn around, i just stood there waiting for her to leave.

"It's almost pitiful y'know." She said, I could hear the grin she had plastered across her face "If you want it, you know what you have to do." Are you kidding me? This was the first thing we had said to each other in two weeks, and she was taunting me. I held my ground and stayed put. "You should clean that up, don't bloody know what liquid was in the jar..." I gasped and turned around, quickly crouching down to the floor. There was nothing there. I looked up at her and she laughed "Oh my god, you should see the pissin look on your face right now" She threw her head back and laughed louder. I swore that steam was coming out of my ears. We both just waited for someone to say something. She tilted her head to the side and let out a defeated sigh. "You wanna go home I get it." She took a step towards me and stretched her arm out behind her, what was she doing? "But we have to sort this out." The door slammed and I heard something jingle and snap.

"You locked it!" I shouted, standing up "You little bitch!" She smiled again.

"There she is."

"Give me the keys right now." I said, stepping over the pile of tools and metal and walking towards her. She didn't budge.

"What, this?" She asked in a mocking voice as she opened her hand to reveal a small key.

"Maggie open it." I said, her smile didn't move. I watched as she tilted her head back and dropped the key into her open mouth. I watched her throat move. She dropped her head and coughed a little. "Maggie!"

"That was" She coughed again, hitting her chest with a closed fist "Not as easy as I thought it would be."

"You swallowed a bloody key! What part of that would be easy!" I put my hands on my face.

"Well, we needed to talk, and I thought you were going to fucking fight me to unlock the door and I wasn't about to send you to hospital."

"Cocky bastard."

"We're going to talk about it."

"About what? Oh, about how you knew my son had joined your dangerous ass group and let me wander around here like an idiot? About how you knew my son was in danger and didn't tell me?"

"Danger." She snorted "Your boy wasn't in any danger." I was seething with anger "Look, I joined group when I wasn't much older than him and I didn't have any parents looking out for me- "

"But you said you had a good relationship with you mom?" She sighed.

"I... lied." She shrugged her shoulders "My mom... left me a long time ago. I just... said it. I have a great relationship with Walter's ma... well almost a great relationship. I didn't want to scare you off, I didn't want you to think that you had to lie to anyone about me. I wanted there to be more redeemable and charming things about me then what there actually is... Everything else is true, I didn't lie about anything else, I swear." She held her hands in front of her and started stroking her knuckles. "I... I didn't have anyone looking out for me. All I had were people telling me to become a freedom fighter, to become cannon fodder because that was the only option for me. And you want your sons to have an option, to choose. But you want them to choose anything but Salvo."

"Because I love them-"

"Hold on." She coughed again "I care about... you and your opinion of me. Some of the things you said" She stopped mid-sentence and looked to the ground. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"I" I started. I really didn't know what to say, I didn't know if I forgave her. "I didn't want my kids." I said suddenly. I put my hand over my mouth, my eyes going wide.

"You... didn't want them."

"I was 14" I slowly removed my hand from my mouth. "I just... didn't want them. Refused to touch them after they were born and i stayed far away from them. Even now I still carry that part of me around, the part that resents them. But i... I love them, I really do. They are my pride and joys, and I would do anything, be anything for them. I sacrificed so much and to see Carl throwing it all away, it hurts." A blanket of silence fell on us again. "I- I don't know if I forgive you for keeping me in the dark about Carl." Her eyes changed, they widened, a look of desperation appeared in them. She stepped towards me, cupping my face in her trembling hands.

"You- "

"I'm sorry Maggie, really. But it'll take time for me to get over this. You let me son be in danger for weeks- "

"He wasn't in danger." She abruptly said. "I can prove it; I can prove to you that we only let kids on cushy missions. Missions that can't go wrong. I'll tell you where to meet us, bring Carl with you ok? You'll see that we keep him safe." For a second, I was hesitant. Unsure. Was she just saying this? I sighed, I cared about her, I really did. I wanted to be able to forgive her, to rationalise this so I slowly nodded my head, and she squeezed my face "Thank you (y/n)" 


Guys i do NOT know how i want this to end. I have a plan for the next few chapters but im so indisive about how i want this to go. Also i had another idea for a Maggie fic but i dont want to start a new one while i have this one going. Ugh. 

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