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It had been weeks since my encounter with 'Daniel' and he had not been to see me since. I would sit, waiting, my mind filled with anticipation. I had planned out every possible outcome of the situation and prepped accordingly. I had taped a p2020 to the bottom of the workbench in Benzo's shop; I had stuffed 2 small pocketknives into the drawers in my bedrooms, and I had hidden a wingman under a cushion on my sofa.

On the bright side however, Maggie was now visiting me frequently. Every few days she would either come into the shop or give me a location to meet her at. One of her favourite places to meet was a sandy hill at the edge of Needah that overlooked an abandoned military base. We would sit on which ever side of the hill was shielded from the sun, and we would just... talk. For what seemed like hours. Most days, we would have to leave after an hour or two but on the days, she was free we would spend up to 6 hours on that hill. I learned quite a bit about her in this time.

I had learned that she had met Walter in primary school. They were playing Bulldogs and he was the only one that could restrain her. Ever since then, they had been inseparable. I had learned about the golden grenade that they passed around to one another. It was their special little game, she said it reminded her of how they had met. She had to reluctantly admit that Walter currently had the grenade, he was keeping it hidden from her, he thought it was funny to see her struggle. Of course, I learned the mundane things like her favourite colour was sun-set orange, her favourite fruit was red apples, and she had an amazing relationship with her mother.

Whenever it was time to leave, it would feel as though a sink hole had formed in my stomach. Leaving was always the worst part of my day.

There was one question she kept asking though, "What's the deal with your sons."

"What do you mean, 'what's the deal'?" I asked, tilting my head to the side, "They don't have a 'deal' yet, I hope." She smiled, turning to look up at the sky. We were lying down; the sand had seeped into every single crevice of my clothing, but I didn't care.

"No, like... you're so young and their pretty old."

"I'm 23 and they're 9, they're not that old."

"You had them when you were 14!" She shouted, suddenly sitting up.

"...yeah?" I spoke. Her sudden reaction made me flinch.

"It's not bad it's just... who's the dad?"

"Ok wow, invasive much." I spoke. I hated talking about this. I hated talking about him. It's the only part I hated about my boys.

"What? I'm sorry, I just wanted to know."

"You haven't even met them and you're wondering about their dad?"

"No, I was- are you still with him... is what I'm asking here."

"He's dead so... no." I snapped, she looked away from me.

"I'm sorry for your loss?" I laughed, punching her shoulder.

"Its fine, its happened ages ago... obviously. Before the boys were born but that's all ill tell you about it. It's not my favourite topic." She gave me a gentle smile and an understanding nod. We moved on from that quickly, though the topic lingered in my mind.

I tried my best not to think about 'him' and for these past 9 years he's never really come up before. Benzo and Joseph knew better then to ask about him, Liz knew about him through rumours and my boys never really asked. I wondered how long it would take before Maggie would find out the truth.

"How do you know when someone should meet your kids?" I asked. Liz turned her head to look at me. She was laying sideways on my bed, her head resting in her hand. I was sat facing her, fiddling with a small contraption Johnny had asked me to fix.

"What kind of question is that?" She asked, grinning.

"Its... a question?"

"Why, who's going to meet your kids."

"Answer my question and ill think about answering yours." She breathed out through her nose and reached her hand over to my face before flicking my nose, "Ow!"

"Well do you trust them enough? I mean, my mum brought home a different guy every week and that did not work out well for me. So just make sure you trust them."

"Hm, how do I know if I trust someone?"

"Ah! My turn." She smiled, sitting up and manoeuvring so she was crossed legged. "Who are we talking about here?" Oh right, I hadn't told her about Maggie. Ever since I had learned that she had gone behind my back, I decided that I wouldn't tell her anything. I knew all she would do is judge me and insist that it was a 'bad idea'.

"No one you would know." I said, crossing my arms and turning my head away from her.

"Oh, try me, I know everyone and their mothers." Should I tell her? No. I don't want a big, long lecture about how I'm just putting everyone around me in danger and how I'm being irresponsible.

"Or, how I about I DON'T tell you." I stood up from the bed and walked over to my door.

"Where are you off to?"

"To get advice from someone who isn't nosey"

"I gave you the best god damn advice I had!"

"How do I know I trust someone Liz?" She hesitated.

"I don't know you just... do? Argh, forget it. As if Benzo would ever entertain this idea." I laughed. She was right. Benzo had told me out right that he wanted nothing to do with anything 'romancey'... but this wasn't 'romancey'... was it? No. I didn't think of her like that, I couldn't. That would mean that I was being irresponsible and not putting my kids first. Maggie was dangerous, no matter what, I had to remember that. She was involved in the wrong people, I mean, just look at what I went through a couple of weeks ago!

"Sorry." I said, closing my door "I'm just scared of making the wrong decision." I don't even know where this idea had come from. She had never once asked to meet them. I guess I just felt that I didn't have anything personal to offer her. My life on Salvo was boring, the only thing I had to show for it were my sons.

"Well, if you're unsure then don't do it. Don't risk getting them hurt." She spoke. I sighed. She was right. I did care about Maggie, but I didn't know if I could trust her... oh well.

"Your right Liz."

"I am?" We both laughed. "Well, I hope your lady troubles get better."

"Ew don't phrase it like that you weirdo. Wait lady troubles, how did you know?" I crossed my arms. Her face froze.

"Just an assumption, guess I hit it dead on the money though, huh?" She grinned and I tried to muster up a smile. Did she know? She couldn't, there's no way in hell. I refuse to even entertain the idea. 


I JUST NEARLY LOST THIS WHOLE CHAPTER, MY HEART IS BEATING SO FAST RIGHT NOW. Anyway, i really love it when people leave comments, i love reading what you all have to say <3

I might release another chapter tonight, maybe not?? There wont be one out on Friday though because its my birthday :))

(not sure if i made this clear enough but Maggie is also 23 in this story)

Gods and Monsters ~ Mad Maggie x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें