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A/N: Melsoos!! YES. One of my OTPs!! Because it's officially canon :D. Melsoos is the best ship ever!! Soos deserves it bc Melody is an AWESOME person for him. And after all, that's thanks to Mabel, Dipper, and even Grunkle Stan and Wendy!! Oh, and btw, I put an emoji of meat and a bone bc Melody works at the meat stand in the mall so yea. Let's see how the girls will react to this ship. Enjoy!! :D

Mabel: What's the next ship?

Grenda: It's Melsoos!!

Candy: Melsoos...?

Mabel: Oh! It's the ship between Melody and Soos!! Yeah!!

Grenda: Are they dating?

Mabel: Yeah! Melody doesn't live in Gravity Falls but they facetime everyday! :D

Candy: Aw, that's so cute!

Grenda: ADORBS!!

Mabel: TOTALLY adorbs! And guess who helped him find the love of his life? I DID!! B)

Candy: Really? Wow.

Mabel: Well... Dipper and Grunkle Stan helped too. And so did Waddles!!

Grenda: Waddles helps with everything, right Waddles?

*Grenda and Candy petsWaddles and Waddles oinks*

Mabel: Yep! Waddles is my little helper, especially at match-making!! :)

*Soos walks in the room*

Soos: Oh, hey dudes! What are you doing?

Mabel: We're reacting to the ship between you and Melody!

Soos: Cool! What's the ship name?

Candy: Melsoos!

Soos: Nice! Welp, gotta go. See ya dudes!!

Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: Byeeeee!!!

*Soos leaves the room*

Grenda: So... I think Melsoos is a OTP!!

Mabel: Yeah!!

Candy: Let's put our ratings on this ship then!

Results of ratings:

Mabel💫🌈:❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️(Mabel: It's my OTP!!)

Grenda💪:❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️(Grenda: It's canon so that gives 5 hearts!!)

Candy👓:❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️(Candy: They were made for each other!!)

A/N: Yeah, Melsoos is my OTP!! It's canon so that counts. I think they really make a cute couple and it's like if they were made for each other!! :D Anyways, I will post the next ship reaction tomorrow.

Oh, and thank you all SO much for helping me reach my goal for 200 views!! My head exploded when I woke up this morning and saw how many views there were!! XD I rlly appreciate it :) My next goal is 250 views! Anyways l, thank u all so much again!!



Mabel, Candy, and Grenda react to Gravity Falls Ships!!Where stories live. Discover now