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A/N: Unfortunately, Mobbie is a thing. It's the ship between Mabel and Robbie...
I have the same opinion as Robdip, the ship is weird. I don't understand why people ship it anyways. Anyways, enjoy!! :D

Mabel: Haha! This ship is "Mobbie"!! How silly!! :D

Candy: Uh... Mabel?

Mabel: Yeah?

Grenda: It's the ship between you and Robbie...

Mabel: What...? Oh. Eh, I love the ship name anyways!!

Candy: Yeah, Mobbie! It's pretty funny.

Grenda: Totally!! Mobbie is HILARIOUS!!! XDDDD

Mabel: Yeah, but I don't like the ship so that's a no!

Candy: Yeah, same. I think you two are just friends right?

Mabel: Well, he doesn't want to accept that I helped him with Tambry but... yeah! We're friends.

Grenda: Cool!! Like my shirt XD

(A/N: Grenda's original shirt has the word "cool" on it lmao)

Grenda: But this ship is a Nah, the ship name is awesome though!!

Mabel: Yeah! To the person who made the ship name, you are AMAZING!! But why at the same time, why'd you start shipping us?

Candy: Totally, the ship name is an A+!!

Grenda: But not the ship itself!

Mabel: Yep!!!

Results of ratings:




A/N: They put three hearts bc of the ship's name. Tbh, the ship name is funny XD. But no, the ship itself is weird. But yeah! Sorry, it's so short. It turns out I'm busy today and I'm writing this like CRAZY right now.

 I won't be busy tomorrow though, yay!! I'll post the next ship reaction tomorrow!! BYE!!!!

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 I won't be busy tomorrow though, yay!! I'll post the next ship reaction tomorrow!! BYE!!!!


Mabel, Candy, and Grenda react to Gravity Falls Ships!!Where stories live. Discover now