The door to the tavern opens, it's about 2:30 in the morning, Meliodas is sitting up in the tavern bar. Waiting for Alex. She comforts him every time she dies. It's his turn. She didn't have to tell him Elaine died, he had seen it through her eyes, she was so hurt he felt it in his own heart, she was too busy putting on a front for Ban she forgot to block the feelings away from Meliodas. She sees his back facing her and quickly wipes her eyes.

"Hey Meli, what are you doing up? I told you not to wait up for me" she fakes a giggle and he turns around

"It's okay Lexi, you don't have to hide it. I know." And after he says that she shakes her head, breaking into tears again, running into his arms.

"I couldn't do anything... she's not cursed or anything but I still couldn't do anything to protect her!" She cries into his chest

"I know, it'll be okay. I'm here. I got you."

"I'm sorry Elaine, I couldn't protect you" Alex fights back the tears

"It's okay Alex, you helped me through those years of loneliness. Even if it was for only a couple of weeks at a time. It was more than I could ask for" Elaine smiles warmly at Alex

"You should go see Ban, it's not that I don't want to keep you for myself... but he and your brother are probably going to rip each other's heads off." She giggles a bit at how true those words were. Elaine gasps a bit before headed over to them and Alex follows

They walk over to see Ban, completely fossilized, and King walking away. Alex sees Elaine kiss Ban and completely fangirls over it for a minute

"Elaine? Elaine? Is that you?" King asks desperately "the petrification... it's completely broken!"

"Hey, Elaine" Ban says after being 'brought back to life'

"I-it can't be..." King looks back at Alex desperately only to see her looking at the two and he immediately realized he's the only one who couldn't see her

"Ban, what happened? How did you get that scar?" Elaine asks

"Tch, I thought you guys watched over us from the other side" He replies and you giggle

"That voice... it's really her! Mom how are you okay with this?! Elaine! Don't you recognize your brother? Please show yourself to me" King pleads

"I told you, I thought you should've heard him out" Alex goes to rub his head soothingly to maybe calm him down

"Let him see you," Ban says

She shakes her head "You're in the necropolis, it's possible for the living and the dead to see each other again, but only when bound together by strong emotions"

"I knew it. You're still mad, aren't you? That I abandoned you. You and the fountain, I turned my back and walked away" King looks down to the ground

The ground suddenly starts shaking

"This feeling... a holy knight?" Ban says

"Yeah I think so" Alex agrees

"Wait Ban... why did you come? What was the reason?" Elaine stops him but that's all Alex heard before heading out to help Meliodas

"Sorry gotta go, bye Elaine. Love you!" Alex screams

Elaine just shakes her head a little smiling 'she never changed did she'

"Meliodas!" Alex screams seeing them all fighting the Holy Knight, not really making any progress. She starts healing them while Ban keeps the Holy Knight busy.

"Lexi don't fight" Meliodas says sternly and Alex shakes her head

"No you always try that and it never works, you know I'm gonna fight just because you're tryna use that tone with me"

"But-" he starts then she cuts him off

"Yes I know the thing, I'll be careful I promise," she tells him, kissing him before they all get back up to battle

Everyone gets knocked away once again, Alex didn't see the whole exploding sword thing and nobody wanted to explain it to her so she went into the battle with no enemy info, that's her excuse. The others just aren't trying, she thinks.

Ban stands back up to the Knight but to everyone's surprise, King's spear goes right through him.

"Hello there, Ban"

Alright, shorter chapter but I think I did pretty good, I wanted to add a little backstory of Alex, baby King, and baby Elaine, but couldn't think up any good scenarios. Also, I'm probably going to rewrite the description for this story so I'll lyk if I do that. Thanks for reading!

Our Story (Meliodas x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ