Not Real

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Snowbelle fall asleep on Theo's shoulder minutes ago while waiting for Master Swoop. Theo was in deep thoughts.

He and Caitlyn had been rivals for as long as he could remember. Since their first week of training they had tried to outdo each other. Though he had beaten her more then once in training exercises, and she had done the same, the petite Asian girl had been the first girl he had recognized when puberty had hit him. With her long brown braided hair and her sparkling blue eyes. He, like every other guy had fallen prey to her.

But none of them had dared approached her, she was far too fierce, she was so intent on her training that she never paid them any mind.

Then a new recruit had shown up by the name of Jake. He had put up a façade of being a dutiful recruit and more then one teacher had praised him and complimented him and his skills grew and grew and even got the attention of Caitlyn, whom he soon began showing an interest in. They had been caught making out on more then one occasion and her interest began slacking in her training. And then one day, they were gone. They had been declared AWOL and hadn't been seen since.

The girl that lay in the infirmary was vastly different then the strong woman that had been his rival. It made him angry that she had been broken so. And the jaguar spirit stirred within him desiring revenge and even demanding it. But he stilled it, focusing instead on where is heart lay.

With an gasp he lifted his head a second later. The place where he had enshrined the spirit of the cheetah, now enshrined an ocelot.

"How is she?" A deep voice asked. He realized that Master Swoop had returned and now spoke with the infirmary doctor.

"She has sustained substantial vaginal damage. And the brusies all over her stomach are not normal, they look as if they were damaged by a belt buckle. And..." The nurse swallowed. "As I was examining her, she bled again and among the blood was an embryo hand."

Theo was dumbstruck. He tapped Snowbelle's shoulder, who starts to wake up.

"What?" She asked, sleepily. Theo motion her to listen the conversation between their master and the doctor.

Master Swoop nodded solemnly. "I will inform the council. What can be done for her?

"We need to take her somewhere that she can be cared for. Somewhere private. She'll need surgery, to extract the rest of the... Embryo and some serious counseling. Her spirit is broken. She's gonna need a lot of care and personalized attention."

"And where would that be?"

Theo looked up. "Master Swoop, I have an idea."


RJ, Dominic, Casey and Lily was in the loft, taking their break.

RJ was in his chair, looking at the opened small box, for about 5 minutes.

"Yo, RJ! You've been looking at that small box for almost six minutes." Dominic said.

"Is something's wrong?" Lily asked

"Just thinking about something." RJ answered.

"Is that a—" Casey was cut off when RJ spoke up.

"Yep... An engagement ring." He said and he showed the ring.

"For Master Guin?"


"But she's a— You know... Spirit?" Casey stated.

RJ was about to answer when the alarm went off.

"A Rinshi attack!" Dominic yelled as he looked at the screens.

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