New Villain Arises

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Casey got thrown back first, hitting the ground and rolling right into some dustbins. He tried to get back up but ended up groaning and lying back down again. RJ soon followed, landing on top of him and making groan even more in pain.

"Sorry Case." RJ apologized to the red ranger before rolling off him and getting back up, rejoining the fight. Using all his strength, Casey got up and ran back in the fight as well.

Soon enough all the rangers were thrown away and onto the floor, struggling up they all looked at the monster that was kicking their butts, it was a dolphin with legs instead of a tail and the head was bent forward so it could stand and look forward.

Stepping forward, Casey spread his arms and shouted. "Jungle master mode!" As he shouted this is body glowed and a claw appeared in his hand.

"Come on guys, master mode time." He said to the yellow and blue rangers behind him.

Stepping next to him, the other two rangers copied what Casey did, all 3 held up their claws and tapped the top of it, all the black on their ranger suits turned to their respective colour while the rest of it turned white, and jets appeared on their backs.

"Come on guys!" And all 4 of the rangers ran back into battle, this time defeating the monster with ease.

"You think you can defeat me rangers, then try this." The dolphin monster got up and suddenly grew 20 feet.

The rangers quickly got to work

"Animal Sprits unite as one!"

As they formed the Jungle Master Megazord, RJ summoned and formed his megazords, resulting in two megazords standing side by side in front of the dolphin monster.

As an female, with black hair and red streaks, ran nearer to watch the fight.

After 45 minutes of battling, Dophina was defeated by the Jungle Fury.

Mad at the defeat, the female stormed off back to inform her mistress.

Back in the loft, all the rangers were relaxing and talking about the battle she just had.

"Master mode does it again!" Casey said, loudly as he sat down between Lily and Theo.

"Good job we got it when we got it, sure helped us rescue RJ."

"Yeh." Lily said quietly.

"What's wrong, Lil?"

"It's just that, they gave up their lives in the first battle, and then save our lives by giving us our animal sprits." Lily answered. "I never got the chance to say thanks to Master Guin."

The other rangers went quiet at this, knowing Lily had a good point.

"But guys, I'm confused." Casey said, getting the others attention. "Who on earth would send that monsters if Dai Shi was gone?"

"We don't know."


In a dark, dark area of an unknown place lives nothing. Or so you think. Evil has always been easily hidden, for some short time at least.

"You're monster failed me, Davina." A female voice said in the darkness. "Father wouldn't be pleased if he hear this."

"Well... Young Mistress-" Davina started but the Mistress yelled.

"SILENCE!" Davina quickly shut her mouth. "I don't need an excuse."

"Find me another monster, Davina. I want get revenge for my father and for what they did to my mother." Davina bowed her head. "And don't fail me this time."

"Yes, Young Mistress." Davina left.


Back to the JKP, Casey flip the sign from 'OPEN' to 'CLOSE' before joining Lily and Theo in the counter.

"So... What are you going to plan tomorrow?" Casey asked.

"Fran and I will go to the grocery store tomorrow to buy some ingredients." Lily said as she wrote the ingredients in a piece of paper.

"Nothing much." Theo said.

"Hey. Wanna spar tomorrow?" Casey asked.

"If you're not busy."

"Well, I'm going to jog in the forest for a while then we can spar after that." Casey said.

"Hey, what if we jog together then spar in the forest?" Theo suggested.

"That's great idea."


The next morning...

Lily and Fran went to the grocery. Casey and Theo went for a jog in the forest before finding a place to start their spar.

"You ready, Case?" Theo asked.

"If you are." Case said.

"On three."



"Three!" They began to spar.

As they were in the middle of the spar, Theo was on the ground.

"Casey... I surrender." Theo said as Casey get off on top of him and help him to stand up.

"Your getting better on the martial arts, huh?" Theo said. Then, out of nowhere, someone shoot on the tree besides them, making them jump.

"Arrghhh... Who's there?!" Casey asked as he stood up.

"Well... Well... If it wasn't the Power Rangers." A female voice said, from behind. The two turned around and saw a young woman, same at Lily's age. And she has the young version of the Penguin Master.

"Who are you?" Theo asked.

"Daughter of your fallen enemy!" The girl said as she charge on the two.

Theo was thrown on the ground followed by Casey.

"I thought the power ranger was stronger than Dai Shi... But they're wrong."

"Who are you?" Theo asked again.

"Daughter of your fallen enemy. If you don't get it, asked your Bat Master. Probably he'll tell you his other student who learned how to use the Bat technique." The young woman said as she disappeared in black with golden mist.

"Come on..." Casey said as he help Theo to stand up. "Let's tell the others."

"Right." Then they begun to run back to the loft.

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