Trying to get the old Snowbelle back.

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At the Spirit world, everyone went into silence. Master Guin was on the ground now, in Lily's arms. Nobody saw the Penguin master falls. She was brave.


At the JKP, Jarrod and Camille was in the loft when Dominic came up.

"Camille? Jarrod? What are you doing here?" He asked as he put his backpack on the floor, near at the jukebox.

"Keeping an eye on the city." Jarrod said, not taking off his eyes on the screens.

"Where's the others?"

"They went to the Spirit world." Camille said.


Jarrod was about to answer when the alarm went off. The trio looked at each other before Dominic run and grab a vine, bounce of the wall and exit though that hole. Jarrod and Camille followed suit.


"We need her to get her back." Casey stated, breaking the silence. The tree masters went somewhere else to help the penguin master calm.

"But how?" Lily asked.

"Help her to remember who she was." Theo suggested.

"Yeah... Probably... We should go back." RJ said. The others nodded before standing up and closed their eyes before disappearing.


"I'm back rangers." A familiar face said. "This time I will destroy you." As the Rinshis scattered around, scaring people.

Jarrod, Camille and Dominic was running towards the woman, which turned and saw him.

"Three rangers is here for beating." The girl taunted.

"Snowbelle?!" Jarrod question as he recognized the girl.

"Do I know you?" Snowbelle asked, while tilting her head sideway.

'No... This is not the Snowbelle that I know. This is not my best friend.' Jarrod thought

He drew out his claw and held it in front of him. He went into an attacking position and charged at the same time as Snowbelle. But claws got in the way before Jarrod could get a hit and he was forced to go on the defensive. Suddenly the Lynx is a backwards summersault on the spot and got Jarrod with the claws on his feet, knocking him a few steps back. When Jarrod charged her again she managed to attack Jarrod with her claws until the lion went flying back. Camille stood there in shock as she knock the two Rinshis. Dominic was fighting the other Rinshis when he heard Camille yelled.

"Jarrod!" Camille exclaimed as she rushed to the Lion's side.

The other rangers arrived to see Jarrod on the ground, Camille was on his side.

"You all right?" Casey asked, offering his hand.

Jarrod took Casey's hand and allowed the Tiger to pull him up. "I'll live." Then he went serious, "This is not the Snowbelle that I know."

"We know... But we have to help her to remember.

"Jungle Master Mode!" The Jungle Fury shouted at the same time as they tapped the top of their claws.

As soon as they had done that they charged.

Casey and Theo used their rockets to zoom forward, ready to pin her. But Snowbelle attacked them in the chest before they could pin her on the ground and they also went flying back. Looking forward again, she was surprised to see RJ in the air coming towards her with his claw held up. Barely blocking the blows he did a flying kick and got Snowbelle with the claws on her left foot, sending the wolf ranger flying to where the rest of the rangers were.

"I have defeated you rangers." the lynx said, happily. "Now I will destroy you."

But Camille and Lily managed to pin her on the ground.

"Snowbelle! This isn't you!" Lily stated.

"You are the master of the Lynx!" Camille said remembering the girl she attack 10,000 years ago.

"You are the daughter of Master Guin! The Penguin Master!" The cheetah added.

Then suddenly, Snowbelle's dark eyes began to shift into beautiful green.


"Hey." But it went dark again and she kick Lily and Camille before standing up.

"This isn't over yet Rangers!" She said as she noticed that her Rinshis was all gone before disappearing into the black and gold mist.

"Now what?" Dominic asked.

"Let's try in again. On the right time."

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