Telling the Lynx a Truth

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The next morning, in the loft. The rangers, RJ and Dominic went down to starts the business. Her mother also went downstairs to help the others if they needed.

Snowbelle was starting to put some new fairy lights around the Christmas tree. After she put the fairy lights on the tree, she started to put the wrapped gifts under the tree before taking a break.

She decided to do her hobby on her break.


She went to her room and took out her paints, brushes and etc. She went out and put her things on the floor before unrolling her yoga mat on the floor and starts painting.

Minutes later. Guin and RJ went upstairs and spotted Snowbelle laid on her stomach, while her hands beautifully and careful stroking the brush on the paper.

"Hey." The lynx looked up and saw her mother and the wolf master, approaching her.

"Hey guys..." She said as she sat up. "What I can do for you?"

"Snow... RJ and I want to tell you something." The penguin master said, the nervous and scared was on her voice.

"Okay... What is it?" The silence of two master makes the lynx worry.

"Is something's wrong?"

"Snow, why don't you sit on my chair and took a deep breath before we tell you something." The lynx was confused but followed what RJ said.

"O... Okay." She said as she stood up and went to RJ's chair and took a deep breath.

"Okay... What is it?" She asked the two.

"Well... Your mom and I are..." RJ trailed off on his sentence.

"Are? What?" Guin walked over to RJ and they side hugged at each other. Then something hit on Snowbelle.

"Wait... What?! Are you two— together?!" The lynx exclaimed, shocked.

Guin and RJ smiled at each other before looking back to the Lynx master.

"Are you two dating? Since when?!"

"Yes, we are." Guin said.

"I asked Guin to date me that night after we successfully get the old Snowbelle back." RJ explained. Snowbelle's jaw drop.

"You two have been together for a month without telling me?!" The two... Went silence... Again.

"RJ... Can I speak to you for a while?" Snowbelle asked.

"Uhh... Okay." Snowbelle took RJ on the mini kitchen.

"Are you sure about this?" The lynx starts to interrogate the wolf.

"About what?"

"Do you love Mom?" She asked.

"Yes, I do... You know me... I never lie." RJ said.

"Okay... If you love her, I won't stop you." RJ sighed in relief. "But..." The wolf jolted a little. "If you break her heart and make her sad, prepare yourself because you never know the dark side on my lynx animal spirit." The lynx threatened.

"I promise, cross my heart." RJ promise.

"Good." Snowbelle smirk. "Go and talk to her because I have some money to collect." Snowbelle said as she went to the stairs.

"What?" The wolf asked, confused. The lynx looked up with a smile.

"Because I won the bet." She said before going down.

RJ's eyes went wide.

Spirit of the LynxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora