Talking to the Penguin Master

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RJ and the rangers looked around the Forbidden Room saw Master Mao materialize before them. They bowed in respect as he touched the ground.

"Can you take us in the Spirit World?" Casey asked. "We need to talk to Master Guin."

"Let them, Master Mao." A voice said from behind. Everyone look at the stairs and saw two familiar figures.

"Camille! Jarrod!" Lily run to hug Camille who hug her back then pulled away.

"Camille and I will protect the city while their gone." Jarrod said.

"Master, please." RJ begged. "We can do this. We just need to talk to Master Guin."

"Master... We've done this before." Theo said. "We just need to talk to her."

"About what?" The master asked.

"About her daughter." RJ answered. "Snowbelle." Master Mao's eyes grew wider.


At the unknown place, The young mistress was in her throne when her head began to ache as memories start to flood on her mind.

"Snowbelle." She heard a familiar voice from behind.


"The rangers went to the Spirit world." The voice said. "You can attack the city now."

"Yes, My Dear Father Dai Shi."


Back at Pai Zhua…

"Please." Lily begged. "You have to take us."

"Master Guin must know that her daughter was still alive and now she was in Dai Shi's hand." Theo added.

The look on Mao's face said that he would stand firm in his decision.

"Master, we can do this," Casey told him. "You trained us."

Lily and Theo nodded to Casey's last statement.

Mao then started to focus his energy, until, with a force, a vortex opened in the middle of the room. It took so much of his focus, that Mao could no longer stay in the real world.

"Let's go guys!" Lily stated as she, Theo, RJ and Casey walked into the vortex and were sucked away as it vanished.


RJ and the Rangers spun this way and that as the vortex carried them until it dropped them off in an unknown place with grey skies and pale-red foliage.

"Okay... Still the same." Theo stated as the three started to stand up.

"Here we go again." Lily told him and they dusted themselves off. "RJ, do you know where Master Guin live?"

"I don't know."

Then they looked to see familiar people walking to them. First man with grey hair and a beard of the same color wearing crimson robes, then a woman with black hair with a couple yellow streaks in it wearing white and black robes and black boots with white fur trim, and finally a man with black hair and a goatee wearing navy blue robes under a tan vest and tan boots coming towards them.

"Master Guin!"

"Master Rilla!"

"Master Lope." The rangers bowed to their masters.

"What brings you here, guys?" Master Guin asked.

"Well..." Casey started but Theo continue his sentence.

"Were here to tell you that you daughter, Snowbelle, who's now still alive and now she's in Dai Shi's hand." Theo said.

Master Guin's world began to stop as her heart beats so fast.

"What? How?" Master Rilla asked.

"Nobody's knows." Lily answered.

"Wait... H-How d-did you know h-her?" Master Guin asked almost stammering.

"Theo and I went to jog on the wood and spar and someone shoot us and she just... Attack us." Casey said.

"She was brainwashed..." RJ trailed off.

"By Dai Shi."

"Dai Shi came back?" Master Lope asked.

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