Knowing the Girl's Name and her Past.

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At the loft, RJ and the rangers were trying to figure out who's the girl while waiting for Master Swoop to come.

"Are you telling me that Dai Shi had a daughter?" Lily asked.

"Probably... Or just adopted." Theo said.

"Or brainwashed." The trio turns to RJ who's sitting in his chair.

"I saw this girl before, Master Mao introduce me to her but... I couldn't remember who she was and where." RJ explained.

"Me too... But I don't know where and how we meet." Lily said. Then Master Swoop came upstairs.

"I heard that you needed me." He said as he gets closer to the team.

"Ah... Yeah. We said that." Casey said.

"Here's a thing. Casey and I when for a jog in the forest before spotting a place good for sparring when out of nowhere someone shoot us, thankfully it hit in the tree besides us, then a young woman came from behind us." Theo said.

"Continue. I'm listening." Master Swoop said as he sat on the stool that Lily gave to him while Theo was explaining the event.

"We asked who she was. And she said she's the daughter of our fallen enemy before charging on us. Once we were thrown on the ground for the third time. Theo asked her again who she was but she answered us again that she was the daughter of our fallen enemy. But we didn't get it, we will asked you maybe you know this girl because she said that you teach her with the Bat technique." Casey finished the story.

"What she was looked like?" Master Swoop asked.

"Ahh... She has a young version of Master Guin, then she had a black hair with... I guess blonde or white streaks on the her left side just like... Master Guin. But I could feel that she has the Spirit of the Lynx." Theo said.

"The spirit of WHAT?!" Master Swoop exclaimed as he stood up. Making the trio to jump a little bit.

"Spirit of the Lynx." Casey repeated Theo's last sentence.

"You sure about that?" Master Swoop asked.


The Bat Master sighed before sitting back on the stool.

"Her name was Snowbelle. She was the Master of the Lynx. She was about to die 10,000 years ago but her mother took her to the temple before going back to help the two master who distract Camille in the battle."

"You mean... Master Rilla, Master Lope and Master—No... Your kidding? Right?" Lily asked as something came on her mind.

"Yes, Lily. She was the daughter of your Master."

"Ahh... Master Phant?" RJ asked.

"No... The master from the spirit world."

"You mean..." RJ trailed off.

"MASTER GUIN?!" The trio said at the same time.

"Yeah... She was. Now, back to my story. At the temple, Master Mao left the room where Snow was. He came back to the room with the healing equipments when he saw someone casting a spell on Snowbelle. When the figure saw Master Mao they quickly left the temple."

"And what spell are those?" Lily asked.

"Nobody knows." Master Swoop said. "Then, Master Mao came closer to Snowbelle's body and saw that her injuries were now healed and gone but she went into a deep sleep. Many years later, the spell broke up itself, waking her up. She went out of the room and she was spotted by Master Mao. She asked him what happened and Master Mao told her everything. One day, I saw her and she asked me if I could teach her the Bat technique, so I teach her. Not until you two (as he pointed to Lily and Theo) came to the academy, the spell went back again."

"So if Lily and Theo didn't go to the academy, she would be still awake?" RJ said.

"It will be the same."

"But how would Dai Shi know that Snowbelle was alive if he was in the box for centuries?" Theo asked.

"Like I said... Nobody knows." Master Swoop said.

"We should talk to Master Guin tomorrow." Lily said.

"Yeah... I think we should." RJ agreed.

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