Chapter 20: Luca's letter/ Final dream vision

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In Genova

Luca's pov

I was reading my favorite book to the baby, the little mermaid, I always loved the name Ariel and I want a happy ending like all fairytales.

Mrs. Marcovaldo was really helpful, she's sewing some of Alberto and Giulia's old baby clothes to make them brand new for mine and Alberto's baby and she is already preparing to spoil her first grandchild... well been ready...

Ever since she found out she immediately started making baby clothes, getting baby stuff and taking special care of me. Giulia on the other hand she's great and I think she and Bianca are getting serious with each other.

Mrs. Marcovaldo came to my room with a letter and said,

"Luca, it's from Alberto."

I took it and as I read every word in Alberto's letter while my heart sank.

The note said

Dear Luca...I hate to inform you this but... I challenged Ercole to a final showdown and I don't know if I'll survive or not but know that I love you and I'd tried by best to get back to you, hopefully this won't be the last time I write to you, I love you Luca.

Ciao Alberto❤

When I finished reading, I felt my tears pouring down my face and I told everyone about the letter.

They all hugged and tried to comfort me but I couldn't stop crying because both me and the baby will lose Alberto and we'll be all alone.

Giulia's POV

I couldn't believe my brother would challenge that Catfish beast to a final fight to the death. I can't lose my big brother if he survives I will kick his you know what for doing something so dangerous.

Bianca hugged me trying to cheer me up and it was working but I just don't want to lose my family again.

Mom was making us food because sometimes a full belly would help. I'll bring a plate to Luca because he would want to be alone right now to get his thoughts together and not stress to hurt the baby.

At night

3rd person's POV

Luca got ready for bed and rubbed his stomach and said,

"Don't worry daddy will be okay and will return to you and me, I promise."

He'd lay down on his bed and fell asleep.

In Lucas's dream

He woke up in a hospital alone and his baby bump was gone, he stood up and walked around seeing dead sea monsters and a newspaper that said...

Ercole's victory! The Kraken Is Dead! And so are other sea monsters.

Luca had tears that his family, loved one, even Alberto were all dead but then heard a baby cry nearby.

It was in the baby's nursery and someone was holding a small baby.

The person turned and he looked like Luca but it wasn't.... it was.... Smuca!

Smuca said, "Cute baby but I'm not telling you what it is or show you what it looks like, Hi Luca, I'm Smuca and thanks for making my Alberto... well yours now, I came here to show you what will happen soon and I want you to help me save Alberto and everyone there and for your child's sake."

Luca was quiet at first and Smuca said,

"It's up to you and take your time but please hurry."

The next day

Mrs. Marcovaldo's POV

I have prepared breakfast for everyone and I went to get Luca and I gor to the room and...

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed.

Everyone came in and Luca was nowhere to be seen and the window was open and a note

I read it quickly and Luca went back to Portoroso to save Alberto, I immediately told everyone.

Bianca said, "Oh no not now..."

I asked, "What do you mean not now?"

Bianca said, "The baby is going to be born any day which man he'll go into labor soon."

Giulia saidn "Pack up everyone now! We're going after him."

I agreed and even Mona agreed to go after she drop her kids off at a friend's house.

Luca please be okay I thought

With Luca

Luca's POV

I got to the train station and got a ticket to Portoroso

The ticket stand lady said, "Are you sure about this sir? Portoroso doesn't seem to be going great right now."

I said, "I'm sure."

I got on the train when it arrived and I was prepared for anything that might come my way. Don't worry Alberto I'm coming.

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