Chapter13: Revolution/Luca & Alberto's wedding

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Third person's POV

After 1 week

It was Luca and Alberto's wedding day.

Luca was getting ready, his mother and grandmother were helping.

Daniela said, "Not what I always expected for your wedding but if it makes you happy, we'll support you."

Luca smile and said, "Thanks mom."

Grandma Paguro puts the veil on Luca and said,

"Perfect your all ready bubble."

With Alberto

Massimo and Lorenzo were getting him ready and they even did his hair.

Giulia came in and said, "Alberto I'm sorry, I'm not gonna be at the wedding because of an emergency and I really must attend to it."

Alberto said, "What? Come on Giulia, it's my big day and your suppose to be there for me."

Giulia said, "I know but I really must go."

She left

Massimo cheered Alberto up with a hug and telling him it will be okay.

In the church

Luca's POV

The guests were just the family of the bride and groom, a few guests like Signora Marsigliese, her husband and baby, the Branzino's, the two elderly ladies Pinuccia and Concetta.

It was a small wedding with gifts, cake and the priest was ready.

Alberto was waiting and then the music played, my dad walked me down the isle.

And I can't believe it still, despite everything that happened, I'm getting married, today.

With Giulia

Giulia's POV

She got some volunteers from the island, we headed for Visconti manor and were prepared.

Inside the manor

Since sea monster were getting beaten, tortured, and locked away.

Ercole said, "We can sell some of them and keep some for the future. "

Guido said, "Ercole don't you think it's a little too much."

Ercole said, "My plan! My rules! And with the money more power and I will be able to continue the search for my wife and kids."

I shouted, " As if you'll make that momey with us!"

They all turned and did a surprise attack

Third person's POV switching back and forth

At the church

The priest said, "We are gather here today to celebrate the marriage of Alberto Scorfano and Luca Paguro."

At the manor

Some sea monsters were fighting the army, while some freed the others and they helped fight, Giulia and Ercole were fighting each other.

In the church

Alberto said, "I, Alberto Scorfano take Luca Paguro as my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness or health, for richer or poorer, till death do us part."

Luca said, "And, Luca Paguro take Alberto Scorfano as my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness or health, for richer or poorer, till death do us part."

The priest said, "May I have the rings?"

Machiavelli the new cat they got walked up with a pillow tied to his back with two rings.💍💍

In the manor

So many injuries and much worse, Ercole had more back up than expected.

Giulia shouted, "Fall Back! Now! Too many to fight let's go!"

They began running for their lives and Guilia stayed back to buy them time to escape.

In the church

Alberto puts the ring on Luca and said,

"With this ring, I thee wed."

Luca did the same and said, "With this ring, I thee wed."

With Giulia

She manage to get away from the guards but Ercole trapped her in a room and used paralysis dart on to make her knock out.

Ercole raised a harpoon to stab her and said,

"Should've stayed away, and now I'm gonna kill a sea monster."

He laughed but then someone knocked him out and a woman's voice spoke,

"Hey are you okay miss?"

Giulia was about to speak but passed out, so the mysterious figure carried her away.

In the church

The priest said, "I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss."

Luca and Alberto shared a kiss, everyone cheered for the newly weds, then they had a little celebration.

Luca and Alberto shared a dance together, Alberto started thinking of their future together and Luca knew what Alberto was thinking about but he knew he was ready for anything.

They shared another kiss.

With Ercole

Ercole's POV

I woke up, looked around to see that sea beast was gone and I screamed angrily.

Guido and Ciccio rushed in and said, "Ercole! Ercole! On the Phone! You Gotta Hear This!"

I angrily followed and took the phone.

A voice spoke out, "Hello Ercole, we have a special sea monster you might be interested in, who is also the kraken who you wanted to kill."

Once I heard that I smiled evilly and said,

"Splendid! Absolutely Splendid! Bring him to me and I will give you the beat reward ever!"

I hanged up and laughed very loud (like a real maniac he is.)

We will meet again beast.

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