Chapter 19: 273.75 days later/ A Deal

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Third person's POV

Many months has passed

Ercole and Alberto were still at war and Portoroso hasn't been the same but some of the townspeople joined the sea monsters to stop Ercole's madness.

Alberto manage to write letter to Luca in secret to stay in contact with him.

Alberto's POV

I manage to keep a low profile when I sneak into Portoroso to send my letters to Luca and I miss him so much and I'm not so sure when this is war will end but I will still try to end it with everyone else and finally finish Ercole once and for all.

I send my letter to Luca and I wonder how's he doing doing he hasn't mentioned anything going on with his life so far.

With Luca

Luca's POV

I am very grateful for Giulia, Maria, Bianca, and Mona for helping me through this and so much support for me and my baby.

Alberto also sends me letter and glad my family joined the good side again and were helping.

I manage to go back to school and finish my courses and actually manage to graduate early but Maria suggests I keep a low profile from jobs for a bit since I was a sea monster now with a baby on the way and It's been months since I last saw Alberto... and I never told him about the baby so I don't pressure him so much that he's already in.

Bianca came in the room for a regular check up on the baby since I just got through 9 months pregnancy but I'm waiting till birth to know the gender.

She began my ultra sound and I saw my small baby and headed it's heartbeat.

Bianca said, "Any day or week the baby will come."

I was so excited and I hope in my heart when the baby is born I could see Alberto again... I wonder how's he doing now.

Mona's POV

I was packing up I was gonna go back to Portoroso and help stop the war and I think I know how

With Alberto

Alberto's POV

We found a hidden place to stay because our island would be the first place to look we are staying in a cave we found with a giant shipwrecked ship and we are sending spies into town to give us reports on what's going on.

Lorenzo said, "Alberto this has been going on for months and I don't know if anyone can handle this, they were all talking and they want to leave or actually finish Ercole off once and for all... Alberto how long can we keep this up? It might last forever until we finish Ercole."

I said, "I don't know if it will work who knows more might try to kill us for killing Ercole... I'll think about it."

He left, as much as I want to hurt Ercole I don't know if it is a good idea would it make more people angry or it could finally end the war, I have to think what would be best for everyone.

Third person's POV

At night

Alberto lay down to rest to get some rest and he is worried he started having a nightmare.

In Alberto's nightmare

He woke up looking around and it was Portoroso and it was completely destroyed, burned down, many lives lost and so much more.

Daniela and Lorenzo were gone, so were Massimo and Giulia, there was also a tall figure from a far and it was........ Ercole!

Ercole had a knife with blood and said with a crazy evil grin,

"You should've just died that day and this wouldn't have happened!"

He ran off with Alberto chasing him but he was gone.

He saw someone on the ground and it was Luca.

Alberto held Luca close and said, "Luca! What are you doing here!?.... Luca?"

Luca had cold eyes and tears.

Albero said, "No... it can't be... LUCA! DON'T LEAVE ME TOO! PLEASE DONT!"

Back to reality

Alberto woke up and checked on everyone, they were all okay that made him sigh in relief but he knew he couldn't risk their lives like so he knew what to do.

He left letters for them and gave them one which he wants them to adress to Luca.

He swam to Portoroso and went to see Ercole.

At Visconti manor

Ercole's POV

I was counting all the money I had and I have over trillions so I can buy more things and I was about to call for more hunters till the door opened and the kraken entered and my security surrounded him but something he said caught my attention.

Alberto's POV

As I entered the manor and the guards surrounded me, I said,

"I'm not here to fight I'm here to make a deal with you Ercole."

He came up to me and said, "A deal you say? I'm listening."

I said, "The deal is the final fight to end this all is between you and me to keep many other lives out of danger... so I challenge you to a final battle between you and me!"

Everyone around us gasped and started talking.

I said, "If I win you let everyone go, give all the money back to everyone, fix Portoroso, no more sea monster hunters and never step foot back in this town."

Ercole said, "Alright and if I win... you and the other sea freaks will die and I'll save your death for last but maybe I'll keep you alive to show everyone how I deafeated the kraken... so what do you say?"

Everyone turned to me and gasped, I held out my hand and said,

"Deal, tomorrow at midnight we settle this once and for all."

He shook my hand and I was going to be prepared but I'm gonna send Luca's parents away to safety this is over.

I headed back to the island to tell everyone about the final fight.

Ercole's POV

As I shook his hand, I knew I was going to win.

He left and I turned to guards and said,

"Bring the best and strongest sea monster hunters you got so we can plan a surprise attack on him and I will win for sure and rid this town of sea monsters once and for all."

I walked to the balcony and looked at the view of the entire town.

Be prepared but I will finish you off if it's the last thing I'll do.

With Luca

I was in my room reading a book I felt a strong kick and that baby will definately be born any day soon so I must be ready for when the time comes and I still hope once the baby is born I see Alberto come in through the door to see our first child.

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