Chapter 12: The 2nd date

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Quick Authors Note/ Warning: This part includes homophobia, prejudice, and old beliefs and it's just for the story
Luca's POV

Tonight I was planning a second date for me and Alberto, I plan to take him to town at night because night time is suppose to be romantic, at least that's what I think.

My family, along with Massimo and Giulia were helping to plan mine and Alberto's upcoming wedding.

But I noticed Giulia has been acting strange lately ever since... the attack but maybe it was stress or something.

My mom said, "Luca are you sure about your date with Alberto, tonight? Because I don't think lots of people in Potoroso will accept the two of you being together considering your both... guys."

I said, "Everything will be okay mom."
Out of the story

Third person's POV

The eldest daughter said, "Wait what? What does she mean by they are both guys? So what nothing is wrong with that?"

The youngest daughter said, "Yeah, they just love each other."

The father said, "I know girls but just like in real life there are people why don't take kindly to same gender couples and others like transgender, bisexual, non binary, gender fluid people and others part of the LGBTQ community, they were taught at a young age it was bad and there some who don't accept and hate them, but don't worry there are good ones out there and support them and what beats hate is Love, Love last forever and ever.

The girls got off their beds and hugged their father.

The father said, "Now let's get back to the story, shall we?
Back to the story

It was night time

Luca's POV

I got ready for my date with Alberto and he was ready too, we had to make sure we were safe and no one finds out we're sea monsters.

Alberto held his arm out while blushing and said,

"You ready?"

I blushed while I took his hand and said,

"Yes, I'm ready."

Third person's POV

Luca and Alberto went to town holding hands, but others were staring at them like they had a disgusting disease or something.

Alberto said, Why are they looking at us like that?"

Luca said, "Just ignore them Alberto, their not worth our time or attention."

They got to a restaurant where they got trenette al pesto and Alberto ate a lot of the pasta.

Luca said, "You really are loving that pasta."

The waiter came and said, "Okay gentlemen how was your night? Glad to see two friends enjoying the meal."

Alberto said, "Actually we're each others fiance."

The waiter said, "Oh... I see."

He put on a fake smile and walked away but they knew he was disgusted by them.

They left after paying the bill.

Alberto said, "What was his deal can't a couple just go out and enjoy a meal together?"

Luca said, "Just ignore them Alberto, don't let them ruin our date."

They continued their date but then some people kept staring, some had disgusted and confused looks and some even said awful words.

An old man said, "Two guys together, that's disgusting!"

A priest said, "Oh mama mia, please pray for their souls."

A woman said, "They shouldn't even be together!"

A man said, "Their definately going to H-E- double hockey sticks."

Luca and Alberto tried to keep their cool but then an old lady stopped them and said,

"Boys, I will help you both find your way back to god, to save you from your sins and find you real partners."

Alberto said, "Excuse us!? How dare you say that!?"

Luca said, "Alberto, please calm down."

Alberto shouted, "No I won't calm down! I've had it, we love each other and so what just let them talk to us like that!?"

Luca said, "You know It's always like that, I hate it too but I know somewhere there are some people who will accept us, so don't let them upset you, wouldn't want a sad fiance."

Luca nuzzles Alberto's nose and kissed him making Alberto smile, as they continued their date, Luca helped Alberto ignore them and tried his best to keep calm.

Luca took his hand, took me to get gelato and to a movie theater, he really think it can calm him down... well it can.

In the theater

Luca and Alberto watched a romantic movie about a forbidden romance between a human and creature and they thought to themselves how lucky they are.

Alberto said, "Sorry

Luca kisses Alberto's cheek and said,

"It's the best second date of my life."

They kissed and as the movie got to the kiss scene.

Some people in the saw them and just smiled thinking it was more romantic than the movie.

A woman said, "What a cute couple."

With Giulia

Giulia's POV

I packed a small bag and I'm ready to go back to the island, go to Visconti manor, and free all the captured sea monsters, I wont let my dad and brother know to put them in danger so I will keep this to myself.

It might take a week till we're ready but it will be worth it, be prepared Ercole here comes Guilia.

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