Chapter 18:The truth about Alberto/ The unexpected

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Quick Warning: Gore, brutal, and blood

A/N: You can skip that part if you want
Out of the story

The father skipped that part for his daughters and he made another excuse to skip it.

Back to the story (For the readers)

Third person's POV

At the pescheria

Massimo, Daniela, Lorenzo, Guido and Ciccio got inside before anyone could see them.

The lights to the inside of the place turned on and they heard noises.

Massimo got an old harpoon he found.

Alberto appeared.

Massimo said, "Alberto?"

He hugged him but Alberto didn't hug back.

Daniela and Lorenzo ran up and asked about Luca.

Alberto said, "He's in Genova for safety and what are you two traitors doing here with Ercole's minions?"

Ciccio said, "No we're on your side now, we helped get your father out to reunite with you and they helped making things right."

Alberto said, "I see but you shouldn't help him because he isn't my father, he's a murderer!"

Massimo's eyes widened and Alberto threw the box that Massimo hid and everything became out.

Old news prints saying Massimo, Bruno and Ercole's father being the best sea monsters, Bruno and his wife found dead, Massimo adopts abandoned baby, Massimo is traitor and joins sea monsters.

Alberto ran up and started hitting him while saying, "Tell me the truth! Did you kill my parents!? Did you steal me!? Who are you really!?"

Massimo sighed and said, "Your my adopted son... but I only killed your father because he killed your mother and tried to leave you for dead, I was human as you all know..."

He started the story


The town was throwing a festival.

Massimo was with his friends at the festival.

Mr. Visconti said, "Get ready men because when there's festivals there's so many beautiful women for us to make the move on."

Massimo said, "But your married and have a kid."

Mr. Visconti said, "I need some time for myself and I want some fun now and then, what they won't know won't hurt them."

Bruno Scorfano said, "Yep so be prepared men and let's go."

At the festival at night

Everyone was having fun, snacks, music, and dancing.

Everyone had a partner except Bruno but didn't give up.

Then a woman named Celine came up and did a solo dance with got everyone's attention and Bruno was the first to dance with her and with them being young lovers they immediately fell in love.

After 1 month they got married and after 1 year she was pregnant.

Massimo and Maria fell in love at the same day too and got married, they were also trying so hard for a child of their own but no luck.

One rainy storm night

Massimo was in the bar with the other sea monster hunters partying.

They were screaming and two women ran in saying that Celine was a sea monster.

They all grabbed their harpoons and Celine was running for her life and Bruno pushed everyone away angry with her the most.

Bruno shouted, "You will pay for your lies you sea monster!"

Massimo saw the fear in her eyes and she was still pregnant. As the townspeople approached they all stepped back to see her standing in a pool of blood and she dived in the ocean to swim away but leaving a trail of blood.

The sea monsters hunters weren't gonna miss the opportunity of catching a sea monster so they grabbed a map, harpoons, nets and other weapons, everyone of them including Massimo and Bruno got in their boats and went to catch it.

Massimo said, "Bruno why she's your wife and she's carrying your child."

Bruno said, "She is NOT my and that thing she's having is NOT my kid! A monster needs to DIE!"

Massimo didn't recognize his friend anymore and Bruno threw the harpoon while got Celine and she got to isla del mare to hide in the tower but Bruno and Massimo got there too to see Celine slowly passing away while holding a small crying child in her arms.

Bruno got on his knees and slowly reached for the baby's throat but stopped and looked down to see a harpoon through his chest.

Massimo with tears said, "A monster needs to die..."

Bruno slowly passed and Massimo picked up the small sea monster in his arm and the baby turned human and touched his face and his fatherly instincts kicked in.

Celine with her last breath said, "Alberto... take care of Alberto..."

Massimo promised and went home when it stopped raining and he took Alberto making up his lie but only told Maria and she loved him as her own and after Giulia was born their family's love grew more.

Flashback ends

Alberto had more tears and Massimo said,

"I don't expect for you to forgive me but me, Maria, and Giulia love you so much and we have to lie to protect our family."

Alberto ran and hugged him which Massimo hugged back.

Alberto said, "You lied to me but you did raise me as your own, loved me without wanting anything in return but my love back and... Your still my dad no matter what."

Daniela and Lorenzo smiled at this.

Ciccio was crying loudly and said,

"T-This is such a beautiful happy and sad moment!"

Guido rolled his eyes and said,

"Ciccio pull it together."

With Luca

Luca's POV

I woke up and I was in a bedroom and everyone was there.

Bianca was running some tests and said,

"How do you feel Luca?"

I responded, "Nauseous... a bit moody... and craving some trennette with all extra sauces and a lot of gelato."

Bianca said, "Well there's a reason for that because... You're pregnant."

I was shocked and touched my stomach.

Maria congratulated me and smiled.

Giulia said, "Stupid Alberto getting you pregnant at a not so good time so we need to keep you both safe."

I agreed and they left me alone to process everything but I know he wanted a family with me and guess it was gonna happen anyway so I should be happy.

I rubbed my stomach and said,

"It's just us for now kiddo but soon when your dad is back you'll have two parents who love you... I just hope everything will be over soon."

Luberto: Love Beneath the seaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant