Chapter 1: As all stories begin

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In Potoroso it was Night time

Two little girls were getting ready for bed and while their father was getting a book to read to them

The eldest said, "I want to hear one with Love and maybe monsters."

The youngest said, "I want it to be with treasure and bringing peace."

Their father said, "Oh then I know the perfect story for you both, ever heard of sea monsters and the war they had with Portoroso."

They gasped and he took a book from an old trunk and started reading it

Third person's POV

As always our story began


In Potoroso many years ago

They were all doing their daily routines

Working, cleanings, selling fish, and earning as much money as they can to provide for their families, the children go to school to learn and some go to Genova to attend the high honor and brightest students and amond those children who are very rich one poor student attended and his name was Luca Paguro, he attended this school to one day have the perfect job and provide for his family. And he only sees his family on the weekend in Potoroso and goes back to Genova for school

He manage to gain the 1st top spot of the best students but that caused a lot of jealousy to the others especially the richest of them all Ercole the heir to the Visconti family business so he tried to make his life miserable but that didn't stop Luca.

One night

Luca finished his chores and doing his homework, his grandmother was having her faily snacks while Daniela was cooking dinner and Lorenzo gathering and testing crabs to see who would win the the crab show this year.

Luca came across isla del mare and asked,

"What's on the island?"

Grandma Paguro said,

"Sea monsters, even under the water and I saw one once and they have-."

Daniela said, "Mom! He's too young for this and those sea monsters are dangerous and they will eat, hunt and attack us alive! Luca no more island talk."

Grandma Paguro said, "He's not a baby amymore and let me finish, they have treasure unlike anyone has seen, life under the sea and the kraken the ruler of all sea monsters."

Luca gasps and Daniela started scolding Grandma Paguro and Lorenzo again wasn't paying attention.

Luca sighed and left the house to study near the sea for peace and quiet and he had a candle to see in the dark.

Luca started studying and after 2 hours he heard a splash and when he looked he saw a dark figure jumping in and out of the ocean water.

Luca got closer and spoke

"Hello?... Who's there?"

The dark figure went back into the water and Luca's curiosity got the best of him so he took off his shoes and walked in and searched for whoever was in the water.

Luca saw green glowing eyes and got scared and started to run as fast as he can out of the water

Luca shouted, "Help! Help!"

The figure jumped out revealing a sea monster and they both landed on the ground and the sea momster was on top of him.

Luca saw the sea monster had purple scales and emerald green eyes and the sea monster spoke

"State your purpose, land monster!"

Luca spoke,

"I am just studying and I saw your, please don't hurt me sir!"

The sea monster took a close look at Luca and his eyes widened and he backed away and said,

"Your free to go for now but next time you see me, you won't be going anywhere, tell anyone I will get you."

He swam back into the sea and Luca was scared but kept quiet about the sea monster and wonders if he'll see him again.

He went home and didn't tell anyone about the sea monster he just saw and continued his daily life not knowing what his future holds.

Luberto: Love Beneath the seaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora