•Chapter Eighteen• His Point Of View

Comenzar desde el principio

Shaking my head, I look up at her with conviction in my eyes. "She is my mate, and even if she wasn't, I would want no one else other than her!" I finish firmly.

Throwing her hands up in the air, mom turns to dad. "Please talk some sense to your son!" Then she storms out of the room without a backward glance.

"Son," Dad begins but I shake my head and hold up my hand, cutting him off.

"I told you, dad, the goddess herself told me that Bree is my mate," I explain for the millionth time. Not long after we came to this territory, the goddess appeared before me and told me Bree and I would be connected for all time. In my heart, I knew then that somehow, Bree would be my mate. "Are you also going to insist I turn away from that?"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, dad shakes his head before he looks back at me. "There is no way I would if I knew for sure that what you are saying is true. Are you certain?" Dad asks and I nod.

"I am as sure of it as I am of my name. Bree is my mate and I love her more than anything," I proclaim.

"You know there is a chance-" I quickly cut him off.

"Don't say it, dad. Bree WILL wake up one day and I will be here when she does!" My left hand, which was laying on my lap, balls up into a fist. I am convinced that the goddess would not pair me with Bree, only to snatch her away or to allow her to remain in her current state. Why is it that I seem to be the only one who trusts our heavenly mother?

I'm startled out of my thoughts as I feel dad pat my shoulder and I look up to find a smile on his face. "Alright, I will trust you and the goddess. Don't be mad at your mother. You know she loves you and only wants you to be happy." Sighing I nod, then smile up at dad.

"I know dad, thanks." Nodding, dad reaches over me to take one of Bree's hands. He gently squeezed it, then releases it. Smiling at me once more, he turns and leaves.

******Flashback Ends******

When she woke up from the coma, I had been ecstatic, but also scared to death until our eyes met. The instant our eyes collided it felt like the last puzzle piece fell into place. By the look in her eyes, I knew she felt our connection too. I also felt her confusion. Once more I felt scared, so I had to hold her. I was sure that once she was in my arms she would feel reassured that I, unlike that loser Royal Alpha, wanted her and she'd want me too.

Combing my fingers through the inky curls framing her face, I can't help but be happy I hadn't given up. That I'd been right to trust in the goddess and I'd waited for my mate as I was supposed to. Imagine my surprise, and joy, discovering that Bree was a virgin also. That even though that bastard had marked her, he had left her innocence intact. Our first mating was incredible! It was hot, sexy, and everything we had both hoped it would be. Unforgettable.

"A penny for your thoughts," Bree's sweet voice alerted me to the fact she had awoken.

Looking into her beautiful eyes, I smiled. "I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you as my mate," I murmur before I capture her soft lips with mine. Moaning softly, Bree kisses me back as she reaches up to cup one of my cheeks with her small hand.

Rolling until I am hovering over her, I brace my weight on my forearms to keep from cruising her and kiss her with every ounce of passion I possess. Bree wraps her arms around my neck as she presses her body closer to mine, causing me to growl as my desire for her escalates. Gently nudging her legs with one of mine, she eagerly spreads them apart for me. As I press my lower body against hers, the doorbell rings.

Groaning, I roll off of her and throw my arm over my eyes as I struggle to rein in my raging passion. "Would it be considered murder if I kill whoever is at the door, or would it be ok to claim it as a crime of passion?" I mutter to which Bree giggles.

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