𝟘𝟘𝟜-𝔾𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕓𝕪𝕖𝕤

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I dream of my mother.

I don't remember much of her before I came to camp, but the important memories seem imprinted in my mind, replaying over and over in a loop. I dream of her warm smile and light-hearted laugh.

But the dream shifts quickly, and soon I'm standing alone in a dark room, my small body shaking with tears as I cry out for someone, anyone to come help my mom. That was the night I came to camp...the night that everything changed.

I'm the first one to get up in the morning, and I slip out of the cabin as quietly as possible. The sun was only just beginning to rise as I step outside of the cabin, and I breathe in the fresh air and silence, letting it calm my nerves and refresh my mind.

I walk aimlessly around the camp until I reach the strawberry fields, where I pause to admire the sunrise.

The fields were probably one of my favorite places in camp—considering there was almost never someone there and as long as you were discrete, you could eat as many strawberries as you wanted.

The long fields bring me a different kind of peace, and I often spent my days admiring the view and relaxing in the sun. I pluck a ripe berry from a bush before tossing it into my mouth, the sweet taste erupting across my tongue.

"You know, every strawberry you eat costs me 50 cents."

My eyes widen when I hear the voice, and I whirl around to face the sound, my heart leaping into my throat. "Uh, sorry?"

Dionysus was standing behind me, his arms crossed across his chest and his clothes a wrinkled mess. He shrugs his shoulders, waking up beside me. "Eh, I don't care." He mumbles, and I purse my lips together into a thin line.

My mind flits back to the Oracle's words, and I turn to look at him, my hands fidgeting in front of me nervously. "The Oracle's prophecy—"

"I know, child." He cuts me off quickly, his voice suddenly becoming gentle as he winces. "That is why I am here."

"Oh." I don't know what else to say, and there's a moment of silence between us as my father sighs, grabbing the bridge of his nose.

"If I had my way, you wouldn't have to carry such a burden. Believe it or not, I don't wish ill will on my children." Could have fooled me. "But as it stands.... the only thing I can do is try and make the journey a little easier. Here."

He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small bracelet with a single charm, a pinecone. "Press the bottom." He instructs softly, placing the small bracelet in my hand. I bite my lower lip as I warily press the bottom of the pinecone, and I watch in amazement as the charm shifts and extends into a full length, bronze sword.

The handle is decorated with vines and grapes, and I look it over in astonishment. Parents gifting their children with magical items isn't rare, but I had always assumed that being the god of wine, my father may not have had one to give. "I know how gifted you are with a blade, but it does have another use. Press the grape in the center to change it back."

I hastily follow his instructions, watching as the celestial bronze sword changes back into a small pinecone charm. "Now, pull down on the stem." My father says slowly, and I furrow my brows, quickly maneuvering my fingers around the small stem of the pinecone and pulling down.

Instead of changing forms completely, the stem of the pinecone continues to grow, until it is almost as tall as me. The pinecone grows in size, staying rooted at the top of the...staff?

Decorative vines wrap themselves around the long shaft, and I hold onto it tightly as I cock my head to the side. "A....staff?" I question slowly, having zero experience fighting with one, and not knowing the first thing on how to use it.

Vines and ThornsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ