PAGE-28💜 (Part 1 of 2)

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(FLASHBACK - The Night Of The Welcoming Party)

"Uhm, I'm sorry if you were offended. I am surely drunk right now, I'm not sure how I bothered to say that.... hmm" Yoongi made Jimin quiet. Yoongi had put his pale, slender and long index finger on his lush lips since Jimin had began babbling. Jimin licked his finger a little, making Yoongi retrieve his finger. Yoongi was about to comment something dirty but was interrupted by the music starting to play in the hall.

"I'm sure you can lick something better, kitten!" Yoongi shamelessly flirted back and winked at me, causing me to choke on my water, which I was about to swallow. Yoongi hyung quickly regretted his poor timing when I began coughing frantically. He softly rubbed my back and asked me to relax and take a deep breath. To be honest, it was quite effective, and I was able to calm down more quickly as a result. Yoongi hyung changed the subject after I finally calmed down.

"Do you mind if I dance with you?" Was it the alcohol that made me blush a little or was it his deep, husky and raspy voice?

"It would be an honor to dance with you, Mr. Min," I said, placing my hand on his outstretched palm and flashing one of my brightest smiles. He led me slowly to the dance floor, where several couples, including Tae and one of our classmates, and Jungkook and that fucking bitch, were dancing. But then my attention was drawn to Yoongi. Oh, my God! I'm in a deep shit. I 'd realized that all I'd been thinking about recently was Yoongi hyung. Let's not even talk about the staring, when we couldn't keep our gaze away from each other. I had the feeling that I was ..... changing. Previously, all I could think about was Yoongi hyung fucking me senselessly, but now, whenever I look at my hyung, I get strange feelings in my stomach. I blush more frequently, and my ears perk up whenever his friends in the cafeteria talk about Yoongi hyung. I am now more interested in learning more about him; I find him fiery and captivating. I was first concerned that if I continued thinking about Yoongi hyung too much, I might fall in love with him, but now I am certain that I have already fallen in love with him..... I am so deep into this feelings.

"Are you staring at me, Minnie?" Yoongi spoke in hushed tones near my ear. My crimson ears were caused by his heated breath contacting my ear. I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I forgot I was staring at the 'always sleepy' hyung. Until he stopped my train of thought, I had no idea we were now moving along to calm, romantic music. I was completely engrossed in his cat-like eyes, which were even more sharp today because he was wearing contact lenses. Yoongi Hyung was gripping my waist, and I had unconsciously wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Because..... um," I struggled to come up with an excuse but couldn't come up with anything. I blushed as he quirked an eye brow at me and flashed his charming smirk. That. Was. Fucking. Hot. He crashed his lips on mine before I could even gather myself to avoid being even more embarrassed in front of him. Hyung then carefully slid up my jacket and inside my t-shirt with his right hand. His cool fingertips brushed over my delicate flesh, causing me to take a deep gasp. He chuckled, but his deep, powerful voice made it sound hotter, while his lips still on mine. My eyes widened and I audibly gasped. Wait! Is it because I'm wasted that he looks so good today?

I realized I was stumbling while dancing, because of the shots I had taken before. I lost the count of them after 6 or 7 maybe. Yoongi hyung broke the kiss, caught me before I can fall and stabilized me on my feet. We were now out of breath, panting heavily.

"You aren't tipsy but fully drunk Jimin. We should get you to bed now because when you wake up tomorrow, you are going to have a worst hangover. It's already late too. Let me drop you to your dorm." Yoongi said, concerned expression on his face. "Ah, but! I noticed Tae getting back to your dorm. He must be sleeping right now, I suppose. He won't be able to sleep if you're inebriated. Jiminie? Would you mind spending the night in my dorm room?"

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