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"Are you sure you want to learn about Namjoon? It may surprise you all, and you may think I'm scaring you, but I'm simply warning you," Jooki explained. The people in the group exchanged a few glances before nodding messily.

"Well, if that's your choice, then go ahead. Then I'll proceed in sequential order." Jooki got the ball rolling.

"Yoongi has an unique ability called SPEED STRIKE. He can employ striking skills at extremely high speeds, which means he can successfully run, punch, kick, cut, piece, smash, and so on. Also, because of relativistic mass and the fact that he travels at high speeds, his strike exerts tremendous force." Soobin expressed his admiration for him. He thanked the Divinity Goddess for bestowing powers on him and the others so that they might help in the fight. Yoongi was awestruck by his ability, in fact everyone were. Even though he was sleepy and lazy, he didn't mind applying this power on a regular basis when they try to wake him up.

"While Jungkook, you have the power of STRENGTH COMBAT. He has the ability to combine physical strength with close-quarters combat, giving his attacks a powerful punch that can cripple, maim, and kill his opponents. He can also easily carry or push something; nothing is ever too heavy for him, which is why I always advised you to take Taehyung to his room when he passes out, so the others don't have to use their energy. While you also have one more power by Divinity Goddess' grace which is TELEPORTATION. He can teleport; moving instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between or transfer matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, but he can only do it by causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed. While teleportation may seem like it is simply for travel, it can be a valuable ability as it can be used offensively (and quite powerful, as a spatial attack) while offering superiority regarding movement speed and distance coverage. A skilled combatant or strategist can use it for many innovative manners. So your both powers are SOME-WHAT inter-related." Everyone's eyes widened in surprise as they heard this, and Jungkook rubbed his nape in embarrassment.

"Seokjin possesses the power of REALITY WARPING, which allows him to screw with someone's head and show them numerous things that may appear genuine to that person, as well as hallucinate/traumatize them. He has the ability to implant false/mythical scenes in the mind of his opponent, causing him to be affected in some way. He has the ability to control people's emotions and make their fantasies into reality." Jin greeted Jooki with a pleasant grin upon listening this.

"However, Jimin has the ability to generate, shape, move, control, interact with, and manipulate gravity or in plain words GRAVITY MANIPULATION. It would be possible to manipulate gravity to raise or decrease it, whether it be the gravity of the environment or the gravity of particular items. Increasing gravity would cause everything in an area to become heavier, causing loose objects to propel to the ground, cause people to be immobilized or crushed depending on the amount of gravitation force applied. When doing the exact opposite, he could achieve a similar effect to Zero Gravity since all objects would float upwards, or allowing himself to lift heavier objects with astonishing ease due to the decreased weight. With enough control and skill, he could attract or repel objects regardless of direction, achieving, ignore or defy the laws of gravity altogether, allowing himself to walk on walls or ceilings or manipulate orbital fields on anything. Gravity manipulation is one of the most versatile in combat utility, allowing him to achieve offensive and defensive capabilities. Offensive uses include repelling enemies with such force to kill them instantly, increasing gravity to crush or immobilize opponents, or hurling large objects at our enemy with astonishing force and speed by decreasing the pull of gravity on said objects. Defensive uses include creating a gravitational force field to repel all attacks (similar to anti-gravity) or anchoring oneself to the ground to tank heavy physical attacks, or decreasing gravity of an attack to weaken its potency and speed." It was a lot for Jimin to take in, but still he had his infamous eye smile.

Academy Of Supernaturals 💜 TaeKook | NamJin | YoonMin | J-Hope*Y/N | BTS AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt