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Jungkook is desperate to get to the root of things with Taehyung. He isn't dumb; he notices Taehyung's avoidance of him. He was under the impression that he and Taehyung had become buddies. He even began to have feelings for him that went way beyond friendship. He wanted to tell Taehyung about his feelings, but he isn't having much luck lately because Taehyung is entirely ignoring him. They strolled up to the terrace and sat in the same spot where they had first met that night.

"Why are you avoiding me, Tae?" Taehyung was questioned by Jungkook.

"I'm not ignoring you, Jungkook.  Simply tell me what you want to talk about, and it must be meaningful, because you are currently losing your 5 minutes." Taehyung was a little harsh in his speech. His statements were hurtful to Jungkook, but he needed to get the issue out of the way.

"I notice you're not talking to me, Taehyung. Why do you turn around when you see me? Is it possible that I hurt you in some way? If I did, I apologize; it may have happened unintentionally because I'm not sure what I did to lead you to behave this way with me. What is it that you are punishing me for? Taehyung, what's my fault?" Jungkook inquired slowly and calmly, his voice tinged with regret.

"Jungkook, you didn't do anything. My so-called EXPECTATIONS from you are causing me pain. I don't want to get harmed again, therefore I'm keeping a safe distance from you." Without meeting Jungkook's gaze, Tae murmured under his breath, almost inaudible but certainly heard by Jungkook.

"What expectations? Can you tell me what you're talking about?" Jungkook inquired, puzzled.

"Jungkook, leave it! You won't understand." Taehyung was about to leave when he said this, knowing that Jungkook would only talk about this topic. Jungkook's following remarks halted him in his tracks.

"If you choose to go, you are free to do so; I will not prevent you from doing so because it is your decision. But, before you leave, hear my confession: I'm not sure what I did to you, but you did something very wrong with me. You took the only thing I had hidden from everyone for the previous few years. Taehyung, you have successfully stolen my heart. I don't have any, but you do have now, that too even two of them. It's now up to you to decide whether you want to entrust your heart to me or throw mine away. To put it another way, I'm starting to like you, Tae. Kim Taehyung, I-I-I L-Like You, more than a friend. Will you being my boyfriend?" Jungkook confessed while remaining still. He wasn't scared; he was simply processing his own emotions. Taehyung was standing still facing towards the door despite hearing his confession. He was jealous of Jungkook's relationship with Jia because he knew he had feelings for him as well. Taehyung appeared to be ready to let go of him, but now Jungkook is expressing his love. What the fuck was going on in his screwed up life?

"But, you and Jia..."  After a few moments of silence, Taehyung spoke out, a little perplexed.

"Huh? What about Jia and me?" Jungkook enquired, curious.

"At the party, I witnessed you both in an intimate posture. Jia even informed me the next day that you had s-sex with her," Taehyung said, blushing.

"I'm not going to deny that, Taehyung; everything you said is true, but only half-truth. If I hadn't intervened at the perfect time, she would have taken advantage of me. I was really wasted, but I intervened before she could go any further than giving a hickey. Taehyung, she was lying, nothing happened between us that night." Jungkook had a hazy memory of that scenario because he had been drinking, but he did recall stopping her. Listening to Jungkook explain his side, Taehyung realized that he was guilty of being angry and ignoring Jungkook for no reason. He made assumptions, accused him, and even ignored him for a few of days. He was silent the entire time, thinking about his mistakes and what Jungkook had informed him.

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